Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Nebraska objects; still time for Ben Nelson to redeem himself

Very interesting news today. First of all, Nebraska as a whole seems to be distancing itself from its Dem. Senator Ben Nelson.

Republican Senator Mike Johanns, also from Nebraska, addressed the Senate today:
Mr. President [President of the Senate, Joe Biden], I rise today to share with my colleagues the reactions of Nebraskans to the special deal that got cut for Nebraska that came to light over the weekend as the managers' amendment was released and analyzed. Less than 24 hours at announcement of the special deal for Nebraska with virtually no warning, no preparation to speak up, 2,000 people gathered in Omaha, Nebraska. Nebraskans who in one voice cried foul. Nebraskans are frustrated and angry that our beloved state has been thrust into the same pot with all of the other special deals that get cut here.

In fact, Mr. President, they're outraged that a backroom deal for our state might have been what puts this bill across the finish line. You see, Mr. President, I fundamentally believe that if this health care bill is so good, it should stand on its own merits. There should be no special deals, for anyone in this health care bill. Not for states. Not for states. Not for insurance companies. And not for individual senators....

The special deal struck on abortion is enormously tragic and insufficient. It breaks my heart. This is a far cry from the 30 years of policy by this United States government. You see, when this is done and over, what we will be reporting to our citizens is that taxpayer funds will fund abortions if this bill passes. You see, no watered-down accounting gimmick will convince the pro-life community in my state or otherwise. In fact, they have publicly said they feel betrayed.
Johanns also issued a press release stating:

"Nebraskans don't want a special deal, they want good policy. They don't believe the Federal Government is the answer to every problem and they don't like backroom deals.

Below is a sample of special deals he offered to strike:
  • Eliminating or reducing the Medicaid unfunded mandate on Nebraska, Vermont, and Massachusetts (starting on page 96, line 9)
  • Exempting certain health insurance companies in Nebraska and Michigan from taxes and fees (starting on page 367, line 6)
  • Providing automatic Medicare coverage for anyone living in Libby, Montana (starting on page 194 - section 10323)
  • Earmarking $100 million for a "Health Care Facility" reportedly in Connecticut (starting on page 328) [Should be noted, Connecticut is the 4th-richest state in the union; its citizens enjoy a median annual income of $55,970. Do they need to come begging to Washington to build them a hospital, or is it rather that Senatore Chris Dodd just can't keep his hands out of the till?]
  • Giving special treatment to Hawaii's Disproportionate Share Hospitals (starting on page 101, line 6) [Hawaii also got $28 billion for health care in the recently-passed Defense Bill. Go figure. Does this means Hawaiians stand a greater risk of being drafted? Perhaps they should.]
  • Boosting reimbursement rates for certain hospitals in Michigan and Connecticut (starting on page 174 - section 10317)
  • Mandating special treatment for hospitals in "Frontier" States like Montana, South Dakota, North Dakota, and Wyoming (starting on page 208 -- Sec 10324)"
 Then there was this from Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman:
(Lincoln, Neb.) Gov. Dave Heineman today sent the following letter to U.S. Senator Ben Nelson regarding the health care reform:

Thank you for your December 20th letter.

Regarding the unfunded Medicaid mandate, Nebraskans expect a fair deal not a special deal. Governors all across America are troubled by this unfunded Medicaid mandate. If the U.S. Senate plans to address the unfunded mandates issue, all states must receive fair and equal treatment. Neither Nevada, Vermont, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Nebraska, nor any other state should receive a special Medicaid deal that is not available to other states. It is imperative that every state is treated fairly and equally or all special deals must be removed.

However, the bottom line remains this bill is bad news for Nebraska and bad news for America. The effects on our State and the Nation will be disastrous and Nebraskans are asking you to stop this bill in its tracks. Nebraska’s businesses, as expressed by the State Chamber, are worried about middle class tax increases and the loss of jobs. Nebraska’s seniors are outraged about Medicare cuts. Nebraska’s pro-life community is furious with your compromise. Nebraska families are concerned about future increased premiums.

Senator Nelson, Nebraskans are strongly opposed to this bill. As Governor, I urge you to reconsider your position and vote “No” on the next cloture vote currently scheduled for tomorrow morning.
Thank you, Nebraska! You deserve better representation.

Also saw Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow on Greta Van Susteren tonight, trying to explain Michigan's perks and exemptions. You know, the big labor unions with the so-called "Cadillac health plans" do not have to pay the 40% tax on them that non-union people will have to pay. And it's really only the big labor unions and executives like those getting the big AIG and Goldman Sachs bonuses that even have these policies. Interesting... Makes you wonder what Stabenow, a woman, did behind those closed doors to work her little deals. "Whore" seems to apply here, too. There's some biker slang that might also work, but enough bad language.

Meanwhile, Harry Reid has called for more civility and for senators to act more "gentlemanly."

You know, Senator, when somebody sticks a knife in your ribs, civilty tends to go right out the window.

Think about it, Jerk -- the mess you're making is not going to get any better, I guarantee. NO AMERICAN CITIZEN IS EVER GOING TO FORGET WHAT YOU AND ALL THE OTHER WHORES IN THIS SENATE HOG WALLOW HAVE DONE.

And it is historic, but not without precedent. Benedict Arnold set the pattern of shafting the ideals behind the USA. And he still lives in the national memory, too.

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