Thursday, July 1, 2010

Throwing rocks in Racine

Put on the news in time today to hear that the Comrade was giving a speech in Racine, Wisconsin. From my home, I could just about throw a rock to Racine. 'Course, I wouldn't go anywhere to see the Comrade except to throw rocks.

Anyway, got to admit, the Comrade certainly has one hell of a nerve. He goes into a town with a 14% unemployment rate and crows about how well the stimulus is working.

Did he think the good people of Racine might not notice that they have no work?

What a clown.

And then he makes fun of John Boehner while he's there.

I like Boehner a whole lot better than I like the Comrade. I think Boehner actually likes the USA and is working to preserve its ideals and principles.

Boehner did recently suggest that the age at which people can begin to collect Social Security should be raised to 70, and according to one account, that Social Security might be reserved only for those who need it. That is, if you're retired and have a personal fortune (lucky you!), maybe you shouldn't qualify for Social Security.

I'm approaching retirement age pretty quickly. I've already given up the idea that I'll be able to collect Social Security. Or at least enough Social Security to actually live on, except in some hovel in the inner city, dodging bullets and drug dealers.

In fact, I don't know anyone my age who is actually seriously planning on retiring on Social Security. We're all making other plans, trying to start small businesses and so forth to keep earning some kind of income until we die. Some people I know have even taken an early retirement from their "day jobs" so that they can launch some other enterprise to support themselves. I don't even mind. I'd keep on working anyway. I like my work.

However, I can understand the other side -- people who feel ripped off for paying 15% of their income into Social Security ALL OF THEIR WORKING LIVES, only to be told, "Sorry, we spent the money." But that's congress for you. A collection of irresponsible assholes. Wish I had that 15% in a private investment fund. I'd be retired already.

But, of course, the buttheads in Washington know so much more than we do.

So, yeah, let's reform Social Security. Really reform it. Let's face the fact that it's unsustainable. It never was anything more than a Ponzi scheme. Truly. A genuine Ponzi scheme, just like that joker who scammed Wall Street all those years. Only if the feds do it, somehow it's not only legal, but is supposed to make some kinda sense.

No. It's a failure. No other outcome was ever possible.

Anyway, I'm writing a novel right now, my third. This one will be political; the others really arent't. Yeah, I get sick of politics. And I only write fiction about characters I can live with 24 hours per day, and who could live with a politician 24 hours per day? I'll be publishing it myself, as usual. The New York publishing establishment is run mainly by people who are most-likely to vote for the Comrade, and I'm quite sure they wouldn't be interested. Anyway, I wouldn't want them to make any money off of it.

By the way, exactly what is a "crazed sex poodle"? Does that mean the masseuse couldn't disengage Al Gore from her leg?

Not an image I'd care to spend much time on. Aren't you glad that jerk didn't get into office?

Save the republic.

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