Friday, July 2, 2010

Comrade Pontificator claims US borders "unenforceable"

They keep running parts of the Comrade's speech on TV. I didn't see the whole thing. I find it actually extremely annoying to hear him say something like, "We Americans." He doesn't have a clue what America's all about. It just grates on my nerves, like if Hugo Chavez crashed my birthday party.

And no points on style. No one died and made the Comrade king -- though he doesn't seem to be remotely aware of the differences between US president, king of the world, Fuhrer, God, Jesus, or the Holy Ghost. So he shouldn't set himself up as a moral authority and tell me what to do and how I should feel.  I'm far too intelligent to have ever voted for his sorry marxist ass and I actually know all the correct words to the Statue of Liberty poem. And believe in it.

Anyway, in addition to misquoting the poem from the Statue of Liberty, Comrade Pontificator  claimed that US borders are "unenforceable."

If that's his view, maybe we need another chief executive. Someone who can actually get something done. And speak without a teleprompter.

If you look at international law, there are about five criteria that define any nation as "sovereign." One of them is the ability to define and defend its borders.

So, what? Is the Comrade about to abandon US sovereignty, throw us on the mercy of a hostile U.N. and claim that the USA just can't defend its borders anymore? We just kind of slop over the geography and Mexico does the same? No help for it. It's a 21st Century thing.

The truth is, the Comrade won't defend our borders. Not "can't," but "won't." The way he looks at it, if he makes this huge big mess, then he can hold the whole nation hostage until we agree to his silly shit, including amnesty for all the illegals -- just to ensure that he and his marxist pigs get SOME votes in upcoming election.

Just like he's holding the Gulf hostage -- disallows any clean-up -- until congress passes crap-n-tax and agrees to ban any of the USA's attempts to become energy-independent. The Comrade needs savages at the gates. The way he sees it, that's his constituency.

He learned politics in Chicago. Can you tell? I'm sure he listens to the Blagojevich trial every day, looking for tips on how to extort and twist arms. Or maybe that's Ram's job.

Here's an idea. Let's get rid of this jackass and get someone else who knows what they're doing and who actually likes and respects the USA. That would be a whole lot easier and it would help the nation.

And as far as I'm concerned, the Comrade can take California with him when he goes. Then we'd get rid of Pelosi, Waxman, Boxer, Maxine Waters, Sean Penn, Barbra Streisand, Michael Moore, the whole bucket of worms. Let's just give them all back to Mexico and see how they like living under the whims of a drug cartel. I suspect for many, it would be a dream come true. Then they's have a bunch of real peons to lord over, can nationalize everything to their little hearts' content, and leave the rest of us alone.

Sound like a plan?

Save the republic.

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