Tuesday, July 20, 2010

DOJ on Socialized medicine: Whatever works; to hell with the Constitution

Competing against against the Comrade's attempts to shame Republicans into voting in favor of more unfunded spending were reports that the Dept. of Justice is defending the constitutionality of socialized medicine by claiming that forcing citizens to buy health insurance is a tax. The Constitution allows taxes, etc. etc.

The Big Lie aspect of this was run on Fox, via a rather lengthy interview with the Comrade by George Stephanopolos, who asked the Comrade several times if forcing people to buy insurance was a tax. The Comrade sluffed it off... Silly George... Of course it's not a tax. (Neon sign going off above his head: I'M PROBABLY THE MOST OUTRAGEOUS LIAR IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE.)

From further details I've been able to glean, apparently forcing someone to buy insurance isn't itself a tax, but the penalty for NOT buying it is a tax -- and it will be collected by the IRS.

Another reason to just ignore these idiots.

And for what it's worth, forcing someone to buy insurance is most definitely NOT a tax, no matter what you threaten to do to them for buying/not buying. First of all, you don't pay the insurance premium to any government at any level. Second, it wasn't introduced, debated, or passed as a tax bill, which fall under certain specific rules of the Constitution.

A few more facts come to light about socialized medicine. The bill gives grants to states, and apparently the government already has doled out funds to Pennsylvania and to New Mexico to support facilities that will offer abortions.

Poor Bart Stupak, who seemed so sincere when he sold out his anti-abortion conscience to vote for this legislation. He must feel like a total abused moron right now. And he should. You can't trust these people, Bart. Max Baucus has learned this very same lesson.

In a report that was in the New York Times, several insurers said that they can only meet the cost and options requirements of socialized health care policies by severely narrowing the list of doctors and hospitals their insured can use.

So, no, Virginia, you probably will not be able to keep your own private doctor.

A few weeks ago, someone beside myself noticed that the socialized medicine bill eventually phases out all existing health insurance policies. This is because while an insured person can add a family member to an existing policy, if other terms of the policy change, it has to be rewritten, and according to the socialized medicine law, it has to rewritten along the guidelines provided by the federal government and approved by the federal government. It will likely be a very different policy.

And I hope everyone is aware that the health insurance your employer provides, if he does, will be regarded as part of your "income" and will be taxed accordingly. So if you make, say, $30,000.00 per year and your company-paid insurance is $5,000.00 per year, you'll have to pay income tax on $35,000.00.

See any benefits from this yet?

And let's for a moment pretend it IS a tax. You have to buy a policy for maybe $3,000 to $5,000 per year. That is one hell of a tax increase.

And you know what, if it IS a tax, the bill that was passed DID NOT originate in the House of Representatives, as all tax bills must. What was passed was the Senate bill, with modifications from the House. So it would be unconstitutional on those grounds.

It also wasn't presented or debated as a tax bill. So is the DOJ arguing, in effect, that the whole bill was just one big deception on congress? What kind of a case is that?

The whole thing is really, basically, a knife in the back to all US citizens and even worse to those who surrendered their principles and beliefs to vote in favor of it.

Nice, huh? Get the feeling that the government is being run by a bunch of lying, power-hungry thugs and criminals?

Also want to comment very briefly on the muslims trying to build a mosque right next door to where the World Trade Center used to be. You know, dogs, bears, and other critters shit to mark their territory. I suspect this is something like that.

Personally, I'd prefer that they don't shit in my country, and certainly not where their compadres murdered so many people, but that's just me. 

Save the republic.

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