Sunday, July 18, 2010

The nation's capitol, Washington OCD

I love The American Spectator. That's a magazine, now online, edited by Emmet Terrell. For many years I was a subscriber, then decided if I continued following politics at all, I'd probably die prematurely of a heart attack, so failed to renew. Now I read it online all the time. Kinda hoping I will die suddenly of a heart attack, rather than be subjected to socialized medicine.

Just now, the magazine is featuring an article called "America's Ruling Class & The Perils of Revolution" in its July-August, 2010 issue. You must read this. Not only is it a very astute assessment of the nation, it's very nicely written by a professor from Boston University. But Emmett Terrell could edit me any time. Everything in the magazine has a certain lucidity. I'd read it just as a writer to learn a few things. And, of course, the comments left after every article are the best and most intelligent poltitical discussion you can find in America.

At any rate, read the article. I almost emailed it to Pazzo Pelosi, but then figured she'd have trouble with it -- too many multi-syllabic words.

I deliberately didn't write this blog for a couple days, giving myself time to overcome the onset of panic and rage engendered by the congress passing the Financial Ruin act. It seems that Scott Brown (I for Idiot?-MA) and the Twit Sisters (T for Twit-ME) voted in favor, giving that piece of trash a majority.

Following the example of his fearless leader, Thomas Dudd, who co-authored the bill with Barny Fudd, actually stood up in public and said something like, "We'll find out what's in it when it goes into effect."

My God, parented by Dudd & Fudd. What else do you need to know?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are undisturbed by the Financial Ruin act, they alone spared from the bloodletting aimed at most other financial institutions. Fannie and Freddie, which CAUSED the current recession. Everyone but Fannie and Freddie needs tighter controls and government oversight, and 2,300 pages of new regulations.

Do you ever feel like yor're in the middle of a nightmare and just can't wake up? 

Every time I think the so-called "Political Class" can't get any more stupid, they surprise me with their daring and audacity. It is really stunning. They are so blindly ignorant, yet so convinced of their superiority. They're so stupid, they don't even recognize that we all know they're stupid. They don't have the scope to see beyond the narrow limits of their own intelligence, you see. Kinda like I doubt a goldfish could appreciate Beethoven. Time to toddle their little butts out of town. Back to their sandboxes.

As for Scott Brown. how is he any different from liberal Mahtha, his opponent in Massachusetts? Well, he posed nude once. And the Down East Twit Sisters. Aren't they on the wrong side of the aisle? I mean, really? Should the Republicans continue to fund their campaigns? If you call yourself a Republican but vote like a socialist, what good are ya? Apparently they traded their votes for the publicity Maine will enjoy because the Comrade spent two days there vacationing.

Yup. Maine needs the tourism. Not like the Gulf Coast.

In other news... I'm beginning to worry about the availability of my food supply. The Comradessa has recently suggested taking Coca-Cola away from your kids and giving them water instead. She says, "They'll get used to it." Yeah, well, two things:  1) She has Marines to give them water; 2) I'm shocked! shocked! that the Comradessa would soil herself and children with anything that comes from a plastic bottle. I doubt they would stoop to drink anything directly from the kitchen faucet.

When is Michelle's birthday? I'd like to send her a bacon cheeseburger and a chocolate shake. She can experience how the other half lives, and I guarantee, after a big sloppy burger from Steak-n-Shake, and a milk shake made from genu-wine dairy products, there's just no going back.

I wonder if she's aware that the Comrade smokes.

I'm truly very curious about that. Does he have to go stand in the rain, 100 feet from the Rose Garden, or what? Just wonder how they handle that. Secret Service people follow him around with those little battery-operated fans? Maybe he has to blow all the smoke into a plastic bag that is then shipped to a steel-making city in China and released into the generally polluted atmosphere. Or maybe France. Whaddaya think?

Saw on Fox that in one bill or another, there is a provision designed specifically to give grants to shops like 7-11 and other mini-marts to install refrigeratorated shelving so that they can offer fresh produce. You know, I think the free market has already determined that people who buy lunch at a mini-mart would generally prefer a bag of Cheetohs and a Slurpee or they'd go to a grocery store.

I love fruit and vegetables. I really do. I've been on so many diets that prohibit them that I truly enjoy the sweetness of onions and carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and/or asparagus in a creamy cheese sauce... nectarines, bananas, oranges (but not orange juice, due to a bad experience with screwdriver cocktails.)

Anyway, does this strike anyone else as manic micro-management? And I do mean "manic" in its clinical sense. Or how about having to get a test to measure your body mass index that will be included on your "permanent record." Oh-oh, you're a little tubby. No health care for you!

Good grief what a bunch of goofuses, ya know? Really, these are people who have to lock their doors five or six times, carefully counted. They floss their teeth a dozen times per day, can't wear anything wtih an odd number of buttons, and carry Baby-Wipes with them everywhere to clean off the chair before they sit down. OCD rules!

Perhaps all they really need is to adjust their medication.

Save the republic.

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