Thursday, July 15, 2010

See how they run

A few brief comments....

Had to laugh. Robert Gibbs, p.r. flak for the White House, was on one of the Sunday political shows and announced that the dems are in trouble in the upcoming election. I didn't see the show, but apparently Gibbs suggested that the dems could very likely lose their majority in the House.

He's in trouble now. Pazzo Pelosi seems to have gone ballistic. I can see her, stamping her tiny cloven hoof and trying to arrange her Botox-paralyzed face into an expression of outrage. She seems to believe that if someone actually suggests OUT LOUD that the dems have not only bungled their jobs miserably and violated the Constitution unforgivably, but have ruined any hope of prosperity for the USA for the next two generations, that the dems might have some trouble raising money.

I mean, who in their right mind would voluntarily give those people any money? They'll just buy lots and lots of shoes with it, or start stockpiling licorice whips or something. Everything would be recorded as a campaign expense, of course. I mean, look back over the last 18 months. The dems are not exactly responsible when it comes to handling other peoples' money, are they?

And really, Pazzo, do you think the average rich political donor might have failed to notice that the dems haven't got the survival odds of a snowball in hell to retain their majority in the House? Honestly... does it take Robert Gibbs to inform people of that?

Oh well, we all know that Pazzo has some serious problems in recognizing and dealing with reality. And heaven help poor Robert Gibbs for leaking a fact that's obvious to anyone in the free world who pays attention to these things. She just doesn't want to give up the Speaker job and go back to some boring situation where she might be expected to produce something.

Oh, another big whopper, too. This one from the venerable NAACP. They've decided that they're going to join the New Black Panthers or something unless and until the Tea Party denounces the racists among its ranks. Specifically those racists who shouted the N-word and spit on people marching into the Capitol building to vote on socialized medicine.

The one problem -- those shouters and spitters don't seem to exist. A lot of people were taping and photographing that whole silly procession, Pazzo with her giant hammer, and no one managed to catch the spitting and shouting for the record. Any record, apparently. Media guy Andrew Breitbart offered $100,000.00 to anyone who could find evidence of this reported nastiness. No one has come forward yet.

But taking the lead from idiots like Pazzo Pelosi, the NAACP wants -- no DEMANDS -- that we all set aside our own perceptions and the known truth in favor of accepting their twisted and untrue version of things. Or else they won't like us.... and they'll call us racists.... and... and.... we'll just be sorry.

So, enough for now. I've been busy. Please click on the button in the margin where it offers Tea Party gear and stuff. I've added a few things. Curiously, not primarily political things. Did do a bunch of stuff for the Civil War, and mostly for the Confederate side. And I'm not on the Confederate side. I think I probably would have voted for Douglas. That's how much I know. I'll be adding to the Union stuff soon, trying to keep it all even.

Save the Republic.

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