Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dinesh D'Souza's "2016"

Saw the movie "2016" tonight. That's the film produced by Molen, who made "Schindler's List," and based on a book by Dinesh D'Souza, who also narrates the film. It's a documentary.

I wish every American (or should I just say "voter" and leave it at that?) could see that movie before they vote for president in November.

I've read a few things by D'Souza. He's not a right wing crackpot. He's a very serious scholar, and also an immigrant to the USA. He was born and mostly raised in India, came to the USA to attend Dartmouth, and stayed.

"2016" is not a smear. It doesn't call The Comrade names, like I do. It just takes a serious look at the Comrade's background. And assumes he was born in Hawaii -- not a birther thing.

What D'Souza does, though, is look at the influences in the Comrade's life, and finds a cause-and-effect relationship between the way he was raised and his actions as US President.

It's very enlightening. You can also get it from YouTube in pieces currently, download it from dozens of sites, free as an offer to get you to subscribe to a certain service, etc. What I'm saying is, it's widely and cheaply available.

Nobody vetted the Comrade when he was running for office. D'Souza -- who has studied racism and race relations in America pretty closelty in the past -- suggests that it was race that got the Comrade elected. White liberal guilt, you know. Americans wanted to elect a black guy, even if he was only half black. It's supposed to redeem the USA for 60 years of black slavery -- 150 years ago..

I never felt guilty for slavery. I've never enslaved anyone. I'm fairly certain I would have been a Yankee in the US Civil War -- and I've studied that very closely. 620,000 people died in that conflict, trying to make good on the USA's promise of freedom. And, by the way, 180,000 blacks, many but not all of them one-time slaves, also fought in that war, and all for the Union. 

Therefore, I always regarded the Comrade as a marxist -- not due to his color, but to his promises. While everyone else was getting a thrill up their legs, I was smelling socialism -- at least. I didn't look at his color. I listend to what he was saying. When he started talking about "redistribution" -- that's a red flag. (Literally a "red" flag.) "Redistribution" is what happens when you conquer the ruling class and steal their stuff. "Redistrubiton" is what happened in France in 1789, for example, when the sans culottes over-ran a corrupt and rigid monarchy-oligarchy situation. The French Revolution.

We don't have a ruling class in America, despite all of Washington DC's efforts. We have historically, "thrown the bums out" before they could do too much damage. But it's pretty late in the game now. The November election may be our last chance to "breathe free."

Anyway, watch "2016." If you plan to affect the election by voting, you should do what you can to get some real, factual information about the Comrade and about Romney and Ryan. Otherwise, please don't inflict your vote on the rest of us who do try to keep up.

Save the Republic.

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