Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hey, Mitt, don't apologize for the truth

Late last night I heard the audio of a Mitt Romney fundraiser -- or it seemed to be -- that was leaked by Mother Jones. It was on Huffington Post, without the video, only the sound.

Of course, Huffington Post made a big deal out of it. "Ooooh, kids, what will the government dependents say?"

Who cares? They're probably voting for the Comrade anyway. Just like those union members who march in lockstep with their leaders. They're "jobs" or shall we say "incomes" depend on supporting -- by votes, mind you, because they depend on the governtment for everything else -- a massive nanny state. These are people who gave up the First Freedom -- freedom to make your own decisions -- a long time ago. They'd rather ponder their victimhood rather than act to free themselves from it.

What ticks me off is that so many people who call themselves "conservative" accept the lamestream media's interpretation of Romney's words. They go, like the socialists, "Ooooooh kids, the underclass won't like it." Saw Bill O'Reilly doing this tonight his show, and certainly he should know better.

Who gives a damn? The underclass gets a solid percentage of all of our incomes. Isn't that enough? Do we have to be polite to them, too? If the truth hurts their hopeless little hearts, so be it.

But admittedly, in many cases, and especially because we are all burdened with Obamonomics and a disappearing economy, the poor aren't solely responsible for their poverty. Looking at the non-improving unemployment statistics, I would guess many people who live on government checks today were doing pretty well for themselves four or five years ago. They can't find jobs. They can't find jobs largely because of the Comrade's stupid policies.

If they're smart and truly want get off the government dole, they'll vote for Romney.

The rest? Who gives a damn? If they summon enough energy to vote at all, they'll vote for the socialist.

And funny, too, I've read many comments from those who note their responses at the end of news articles. Many of them want -- very much -- to see Romney take off the gloves. They like it when he's not so nice.

I do too.

Save the Republic.

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