Thursday, September 13, 2012

Forget Bush, it's all Romney's fault

Give me a break.

After being attacked by barking-mad mulsim terrorists a couple days ago, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo issued a statement that went something like, "Gee, I'm sorry. Can I destroy the U.S. Consitution to assuage your silly sensitivities?" Or like that.

Mitt Romney then issued a statement calling the event -- and especially the Embassy's response -- a disgrace.

The Comrade was at a fundraiser or something. He probably didn't know anything about the Egypt and Libya situation until he heard about it from a pizza maker in St. Louis while ordering a pie.

Anyway, hours after Romney's statement, the Comrade apparently turned on the TV and realized that the Mideast was blowing up, with foaming-at-the-mouth lunatics trying to murder our State Dept. representatives. Very disquieting, huh?

He was apparently more pissed off that Romney spoke up about it first.

So after a quick check of the polls and maybe a glance at international laws and traditions regarding diplomatic protocols -- and after the Libyans murdered Chistopher Stephens and his staff -- the Comrade decided to scold the Egyptian Embassy for kissing butt, and "strongly condemned" the murder of U.S. officials doing state business overseas.

Yeah, it is sort of bothersome, isn't it? When you're trying to get re-elected as a The Man Who Shot Osama Bn Laden.

And the Comrade noted that Mitt Romney "shot from the hip," issuing his statement before the Comrade had the spare time to break away from rabble-rousing to attend to U.S. foreign policy.

Interesting, isn't it, that the Comrade AGREED with Romney? And yet Romney was in the wrong?

Looks very, very much like the Comrade was totally at a loss for any response, saw Romney's statement, and then went, "Yeah. Me, too." Of course, the Comrade has to take credit for it -- so he demonizes Romney.

Leading from behind again, eh, Comrade? Hillary Clinton showed more backbone than the Comrade.

Well, we've witnessed this kind of B.S. for the last four years now. We know the Comrade now as the incompetent narcissist that he truly is. Even though the lamestream media is all atwitter about Romney upstaging the Comrade. I'm sure that, like the White House, NBC is much more upset about how this disaster -- a remake of the Carter administration -- will impact the elections than they are about the deaths of US consuls and even the perils of this current international turmoil.

Thank God for Romney. Has it ever been clearer that we need someone with a functioning brain and a true reverence for the USA in the White House?

Save the Republic.

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