Friday, September 21, 2012

So where is the White House on muslim protests?

Very interesting. We've heard several stories now from Jay Carneybarker at the White House, and whoever that woman with the bad hair is at the State Department regarding the uprising of muslim terrorisrs all around the world.

First it was because of that stupid film clip that suggested Mohammed was less than saintly. "It's all his fault. Go arrest him."

So they got the guy in detention, but aparently there wren't really any grounds for his arrest. He sucks as a film-maker, but if that was a crimial offense, surely Michael Moore would be in San Quentin.

And Susan "Don't have a clue" Rice, US Ambassador to the UN and a long-time cohort of our illustrious Comrade, went on severl big talk shows and announced that the whole mess in the Egypt and all was just a "spontaneous" outbreak of hatred for America and American free speech -- due to that stupid film clip.

Interesting how John McCain was the first to ponder, "How many people show up at a protest with rocket-propelled grenades and other heavy weapons?" Good question. Glad someone in Washington noticed that. Maybe because McCain has a military background.

In addition, polls that were taken very qucikly determined that about 75% of US citizens would rather go to war with the muslim world than surrender their right to free speech.

So the idea of censorship went nowhere.

And then it became clear -- from the mouth of the Presdient of Libya, no less -- that those psychos who killed the US Ambassador in Benghazi were terrorists. The incident was a terrorist attack, not a protest, that president said.

So then, and still, the rest of the muslim world is going up in flames. People in gunny sacks jumping up and down in front of US, German, Swiss, and French embassies like bunch of monkeys, screaming, throwing things. Looks like an asylum for the crimially insane. I guess it is.

And so then yesterday, Jay Carneybarker announced that the attack on the Libyan consulate, where Chris Stevens and three others were killed is "self-evidently" a terrorist attack.

Maybe self-evident to most Americans for a week or more, but apparently that just dawned on the White House.

And I suppose somehow, it'll end up that it's all George Bush's fault. Or Mitt Romney's.

And where the hell is the US President? I think the Comrade made a casual mention in some radio address that the Middle East is in flames and a million crazed muslims are coming to get us. But he deson't seem very concerned about it,. No, it's much more important to him to go out and slander Romney and Ryan.

Somebody's values and priorities are totally screwed up, do ya think?

On a positive note, Donald Reaqgan, Ronald Reagan's son, was on Megyn Kelly's show today and suggested that since the Comrade is apparently AWOL -- lost his way on the campaign trail and may be wandering through Death Valley, looking for the tracks of his bus in the sand -- that perhaps someone like Mitt Romney should stand up and simply take over the role of Leader of the Free World. At least to comfort and reassure American citizens that we'll survive.

I'd like that. I'd llike to have someone in the White House who gives a shit. We haven't enjoyed that for quite some time now.

Save the Republic.

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