Wednesday, August 31, 2011

All politics, all the time

The title is a quote from Reince Priebus (and I thought I had a funny name), who heads up the Republican National Committee.

Ya see, the Republicans have scheduled a candidates' debate on Sept. 7, 8:00 pm. It's been scheduled for months now.

And, curiously enough, the Comrade sent Speaker of the House John Boehner a message requesting to address a joint session of congress on Sept. 7, 8:00 pm. It seems the Comrade's interns slapped together his promised jobs proposal while the Comrade was golfing in Martha's Vineyeard. Now the Comrade wants to blot out the threat of a Republican candidates' debate with his speech -- which I could probably give you right now.

I mentioned the "dog in the manger" phrase a couple blogs back. I'd heard that it originated from some kind of story about a dog getting in Jesus' manger and wanting to hog the limelight. Well, I looked it up, and it seems it comes from Aesop's Fables. About a dog who laid down in a manger, not because he wanted to eat the grain, but because he wanted to prevent the oxen from getting at it. Just out of some psychopathic impulse to wreck everyone else's lives.

Never fails to amaze me how... the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Like the Russian Czars and communist/fascist dictators everywhere, the Comrade apparently just can't even tolerate the idea of someone else suggesting solutions to the nation's problems. I mean that's why Sakharov was baished to some armpit in Siberia in Russia -- because he dared to engage with Solzhenitsyn in some public conversation about how to improve life in the USSR. Solzhenitsyn took refuge for a time in the USA. And neither one of those guys were rapping the existing regime in their talk. The government just didn't want to take any chances on allowng any competition.

The Comrade, cut of the same cloth as other autocrats and diktators, appears to share that common totalitarian attitude.

Dog in the manger, not that he'll have much to say (tax the rich, another useless, wasteful, destructuve stimulus of some kind, tighten controls over what's left of the "free" market, pay off my union thugs, kiss the environmentalists' asses). He just wants to make sure that no one else has a voice.

And that's not how it's suppose to work in the USA, Comrade. But then I wouldn't expect him to understand that. He hasn't so far.

Boehner has offered Sept. 8 as an alternative for the Comrade's speech. Think the Comrade will be willing to reschedule his tee-time? Or is he just making life as totally, stupidly combative and untenable as he possibly can? What do you think? What's he done so far?

Everything's a problem with this guy. Aren't you getting tired of nursing his neuroses and psychoses? I am.

Save the Republic.

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