Monday, August 22, 2011

Coffee, Tea or Waters

Maxine Waters, congressional rep from the 35th district, California -- that is, South Central Los Angele -- has told the Tea Party to "go to hell."

As a self-selected member of the Tea Party, I must say I'd prefer to go to hell rather than live in South Central L.A.

Waters' district is a classic example of "plantation politics." Or of a classic plantation of the old Slave South. The only difference is, the slaves couldn't get away from it; they were legally held as property by their owners. You can escape from South Central, but only if you reject all those things that Waters and those of her kind preach: that you are a helpless victim that must be infantalized and kept dependent in order to harvest your vote.

I mean, look at the structure of a slave plantation. You had Ol' Massa and the Missus at the top of the pyramid, makng all the decisions and dispensing whatever kindnesses were available, including medical assistance -- such as it was. The slaves were trained from birth to believe that they were stupid, incompetent, irresponsible, and could never manage their own lives by themselves. Ol' Massa sincerely believed, therefore, that he was owed a debt of gratitude by the  slaves.

Now let's look at South Central L.A., as but one example of similar, blighted urban areas in the USA. You have Maxine Waters and like-minded politicians at the top of the pyramid, makng all the decisions and dispensing whatever kindnesses are available, including medical assistance -- such as it is. The district voters are trained from birth to believe that they're stupid, incompetent, irresponsible, and can never manage their own lives by themselves. Ol' Maxine sincerely believes, therefore, that she is owed a debt of gratitude by these voters. And she gets it every time her "dependency" re-elects her.

Eveything the slaves/district voters earn is gobbled up and/or appropriated by Ol' Massa/Maxine and the various levels of government. What benefits do they get for their labor -- if they can find jobs? They get public housing or welfare assistance, food stamps, maybe training for "green jobs" that most probably will never materialize. They get a mean and ugly subsistance.

In South Central L.A., your only chance to get ahead is to become a successful drug dealer, or to be lucky enough to do some really serious looting of electronics stores during a riot and then actually find buyers for those stolen goods. Otherwise, you're just pretty much stuck with whatever Ol' Maxine feels you "deserve" and what she can finagle from the federal government. Noblesse oblige.

'Course, Ol' Maxine's husband's bank gets millions in TARP funds or whatever, but then she lives on a very different level than her constituency, right? I mean, after all, she's Ruling Class. She deserves that kind of gratitude. No?

In fact, if Maxine Waters approved of the Tea Party, I'd think the Tea Party was doing something very, very wrong.

Save the Republic.

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