Monday, August 1, 2011

Extreme leftists unraveling debt deal

Funny thing, we've heard about nothing but "extreme rightists' and Tea Party members weakening the democratic (that's democratic, not "democrat") process by standing on principle and refusing to compromise on this debt ceiling thing. Boehner was supposed to be "weak" for taking so much time to get what turned out to be TWO bills through the House to solve the debt ceiling issue.

And both killed in the Senate with barely a mention.

OK. so didn't I say the Senate would never vote on Brain-dead Harry Reid's proposals because HE DIDN'T HAVE THE VOTES IN A DEM-CONTROLLED SENATE? And isn't that exactly what happened? 'Ol Brain-dead went bawling and whining to the Comrade and begged for another "high-level" conference. Ol' Brand-dead couldn't handle it on his own. (You know, I heard he used to be a boxer. No wonder his brain dysfunctional.)

Personally, I don't like the current deal. I don't like a $3 TRILLION increase in debt with $1 TRILLION in cuts now and more to come. (Where have I heard that before?) And the built-in triggers -- automatic cuts to defense and Medicare.

The Comrade really doesn't like old people. Have you noticed that? His "solution" for the volume of retiring Boomers -- deny them adequate care -- which they've paid for all their lives -- and hope they die as quickly and quietly as possible. Better still -- refuse to pay their doctors and hospitals and watch them deteriorate searching for medical advice. I suppose that's the work of Dr. Deathwish, the czar who loves the British death panel.

So, anyway, getting back to the debt ceiling... Pazzo Pelosi, a leading member of the merry marxists, has told her blockheaded following to "vote their conscience." Yeah, like they have a conscience. I think what she means is: Vote no, although I'm such a gutless wonder and so afraid of offending the Comrade I won't go on the record with that."

So looks the bill may go down, and not because of the Tea Party, but because of rabid, foaming-at-the-mouth extremist marxist socialists on the other side of the aisle.


Actually, Brian Williams and Chris Mathews will probably spend all evening pondering on exactly when Pelosi joined the Tea Party. Like the Tea Party would have her.

Save the Republic.

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