Friday, August 19, 2011

One small step for illegal aliens; one giant step toward dictatorship

The Comrade and his friends in the executive branch decided yesterday that since Brain-dead Harry Reid's "Dream Act" bill failed in congress, that they would simply ignore the will of the American public and announce the Dream Act provisions in the form of some kind of dictatorial decree.

This is not the first time the Comrade has done this. The EPA is busily trashing the energy industry as we speak -- even though the Comrade didn't have a shot at getting his anti-coal, pro-windmill bullshit endorsed by congress. And using the NLRB as a bully pulpit for labor unions when the "card-check" crap didn't have a prayer of being legislated. Just a couple examples. There are many more.

I'll tell you the truth -- the Comrade's complete contempt for the law, for congress, for the democratic legislative process in the US is more important than any of these single issues.

He's a fucking autocrat. Diktator. Authoritarian. Tyrant. Whatever.

We can't afford to keep this piece of shit in office much longer, let alone pay for his luxury vacations. He's proved he can do as much, if not more damage, while sucking up federal dollars on a beach in New England as when he's actually in the Oval Office. He needs to go now. And his little dogs with him.

Save the Republic.

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