Monday, August 1, 2011

"Cloud of Uncertainty" White House's latest buzzword

OK, first of all, briefly, the supposed deal on the debt ceiling sucks. It only demonstrates that what needs to be done is to remove the president and all his freak show from office. That's coming.

What I wanted to talk about, though, is: How stupid does the Comrade and particularly that David Fluff guy and Jay Carneybarker -- the Comrade's mouthpieces and speech writer -- how stupid do they think we are?

First of all, let's go back and consider that Time or Newsweek cover that had profiles of the Comrade and Ronal Reagan side-by-side. Really? The Comrade and Reagan? You're comparing?

You've got to be kidding. Not even apples and oranges. More like Karl Marx and Milton Friedman. It would have been funny except that it illustrates how pathetic this president is in over-reaching for borrowed glory. The comparison would be insulting except that it's so desperately ridiculous.

Then throughout this whole debt ceiling thing, the Comrade continued to drag Ronald Reagan's name into every discussion somehow, as well as insisting that his voracious appetite for tax money and spending was somehow "balanced." No doubt a term that resonated among some focus groups because of the word's association with Fox News. However, it doesn't apply to the Comrade's approach, and he fooled no one.

I think if you replay all his little press conferences in slow motion, you'd probably find "Reagan" and "balanced" slipped in as unconscious suggestions between the also-familiar terms "tax the rich" and "George Bush's fault."

Now Jay Carneybarker comes out to a press briefing and announces, "Did you notice that cloud of uncertainty outside the White House has lifted?"

An hour later, Valerie Jarret, sr. advisor to the Comrade, gets on Fox and in a three-minute spot, repeated "cloud of uncertainty" at least three times. As though she has Tourette's Syndrome.

So this is their latest strategy for re-election? Repeat certain phrases over and over again, like conducting some kind of Pavlovian experiment? At the term "cloud of uncertainty" are we all supposed to salivate like hungry dogs or what?

(FYI Pavlov was a scientist who trained dogs by ringing a bell shortly before they were fed. After a certain number of repetitions, the dogs would begin to salivate at the sound of the bell.)

Listen, fools, the "cloud of uncertainty" this White House created extends far, far beyond the debt ceiling issue. That's only one tiny part of it. How about excessive and expensive new regulations from EPA? How about shutting down Gulf oil drilling and refusing to drill in ANWR? How about selling out Chrysler and GM to the UAW? How about flushing $800 billion down the stimulus toilet? How about the impending (and continuing) threat of tax increases? How about the coming disaster of Obamacare that hangs over all of our heads like the blade of a guillotine?

So this half-assed and unacceptable deal about the debt crisis lifted all the "clouds of uncertainty." In your dreams.

And the Comrade vs. Reagan?

Give me a break.

Save the Republic.

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