Friday, August 5, 2011

Dumbass dems own debt rating downgrade

Hey, Brain-dead Harry Reid! Dickhead Durbin! Pazzo Pelosi! Comrade Osama!


Y'all wouldn't accept any reasonable program for the dramatic and meaningful budget cuts proposed ad nauseum from the "extremists" on the right. N-o-o-o-o. Let's just keep spending like total brainless idiots.

S&P sees the writing on the wall, though your blockheads are blind to anything but your own ambition and to hell with the USA.

Well, we'll see who gets elected next time, you shit-fot-brains. Thank God the rest of the country is not quite so damn stupid as you all.

Meanwhile the idiot in the White House gives a speech hinting at another stimulus? How has this moron managed to survive this long in the real world? That's my question. Can he even get himself across a busy street without getting run over? What a damn fool.

Save the Republic

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