Monday, August 8, 2011

Insane, stupid, or deliberate?

Well, the Comrade was just on TV once again. First time since S&P downgraded US notes, though he did roust David Axelrod to step out and deliver the same old message, with a few new twists.

Seems even the Comrade realizes that George Bush is long-gone. So now he blames the Japanese tsunami, "events in the Middle East," and what was it? Oh, the weather.

And the Comrade still wants to raise taxes and spend more money. Especially spend more money. And lately he's been hinting at doing away with Medicare, too. I mean, really, who needs seniors? Many of them still remember how capitalism is supposed to work. Get rid of them as quickly as possible.

"A definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results." Dr. Phil says this a lot, but I read that it was actually Albert Einstein who first went on the record with it.

Oh, how could I forget? One more group to blame:

"My policies have not worked at all. In fact, they've made the situation much, much worse. The Tea Party won't let me make the same mistakes of the same magnitude, so they must share in the blame for my failure."

Is this making any sense to you?

Look, only three options. Either the Comrade really is insane. He's incapable of learning. Or he's deliberately working toward destroying free market capitalism.

Which explanation fits most closely?

When I say he's a marxist socialist, that' based on a factual assessment of his policies. I'm not just calling him names. He is a marxist socialist. He and Michelle were probably sipping champagne and dancing to "The International" all weekend. Probably didn't want the nation to see how thrilled he was that the US economy is taking such a hit.

We really need to get rid of this guy.

Save the Republic -- you know what to do.

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