Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Comrade wants to listen... so listen

Cute. Yesterday the Comrade was challenged in Iowa by Ryan Rhodes, who I've seen described as one of the organizers of the Iowa Tea Party.

Apparently Rhodes shouted out a couple questions while His Hindness was giving a speech, or maybe during a Q&A that followed. Then Rhodes relentlessly followed up in a reception line after the speech. I've been looking for the video on YouTube, but as of last night, it wasn't posted there.

Rhodes asked why the Comrade didn't object to idiot v.p. Biden, when Biden seemed to agree that conservative Republicans in congress are "terrorists."

The Comrade "explained" that the Republicans were "holding the nation hostage" and threatening to allow a default. Rhodes asked, quite calmly, something like, "Don't you think a balanced budget is a reasonable request?" And so on.

Significantly, and quite typically, Comrade Narcissist refuses to see the other side, that is, that Brain-dead Harry Reid did more than his part to "hold the nation hostage" by rejecting two proposals regarding the debt crisis that actually had passed the House. No, ol' Brain-dead and the Comrade aren't holding anyone hostage with their imbecilic actions and insane demands. If you don't bow and kiss their feet, you're the one who's behaving badly.

Well, Comrade, you called your Rolling Blunder thing a "listening tour." So take a listen. We are NOT on your side. We know what you're trying to do, and we will block you at every turn. Get used to it.

And kudos to Ryan Rhodes. I should think it would be quite intimidating to act like a rational and well-informed citizen amidst the frenzy of dem supporters, the Secret Service, etc. etc., trying to hold the Comrade's feet to the fire against His Hindness's highly regaled "charisma," if that's what you want to call it.

Thanks, Ryan! And by the way, have you considered running for president? Open field here.

Save the Republic.

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