Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Democrat follies

Lots of talk lately about Joe Sestak, who's running for US Senate in Pennsylvania, claiming that someone in the Comrade's administration offered him a job to prevent him from running against Arlen Specter in the dem primary. Apparently that's a felony.

Gee, really? In Chicago, it's business as usual. (Wrote about this many months ago right here, as part of what "Chicago-style politics" is.) I bet the Comrade didn't even know it was illegal.

This should be interesting. Even the dems want an investigation, and it's an impeachable offense.

Keep your fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, British Pete keeps pumping barrels of raw crude into the Gulf of Mexico, and the EPA won't clear Louisiana's request to build a sand barrier to protect the shore. They're trying to complete a -- get this -- impact study. On building the sand bar or not building the sand bar? Or maybe they just can't decide.

The EPA is always so helpful in protecting our natural resources, isn't it?

Let it leak for another month or two, and the Comrade's regime will have a real emergency, not just the crap they've trumped up so far. We've seen that river in Cincinatti or someplace go up in flames. Wonder what the Atlantic Ocean would look like on fire. We just might find out.

If Hurricane Katrina was Bush's fault, then the BP oil leak is on the Comrade's head. Fair is fair.

And apparently McCain, Kyl, and other congressmen from Arizona met with the Comrade and really got on his case about the violence on the border and the Comrade's poking and prodding it to really tick off Latinos in hopes that they'll vote democratic in November. People in attendance said the Comrade got angrier and angrier through the whole thing. Apparently one attendee wrote in his notes, "Thin-skinned. Thin-skinned."

Poor little red leader, are you unhappy in your work? He gets so upset when people fail to recognize him as the Second Coming.

So the Comrade said nothing, then put out a memo that he's sending 1,200 desk jobs to the border to do.... something. Oh well, it will soak up some of that stimulus money that hasn't been spent yet.

Meanwhile, butthead Carol Browner (how very appropriate), head of the EPA or something -- no, I guess that's Lisa Jackson.  Anyway, Carol Browner, who's served as head the Socialist Party of the US or something like that, so serving in the Comrade's cabinet is kind of a horizontal move, was all pissed when someone asked her if the feds had any real control of the oil-leak situation.

She puffed all up like a really skinny, agitated rooster and declared, "We're in control! We're in control!"

No she isn't. Not unless she's suggesting that she's prolonging this oil-leak thing on purpose. Like this do-nothing and let-Louisiana-rot attitude is some kind of deliberate strategy. 'Course it just might be.... though I haven't figured out how or why it should get the Comrade re-elected. But then I don't understand how or why what he does would get anyone elected to anything ever. I'm dense in that way.

What else?  Hmmmmm.....

Was watching a show on PBS the other day. The sponsor for one show has a website at www-bread-dot-org, although I don't remember the org's name. They had this slogan they kept repeating, and I paraphrase:  Bringing justice to the world's poor so they can have bread.

I don't know. If I was hungry and someone offered me justice? I thnk I'd rather have a pizza.

You really have to be an Obamista for's argument to make any sense whatsoever. The misuse of the language is the marxist jargon, you know, the secret handshake, the wink-and-nod code by which the committed recognize each other. Or the need-to-be-committed. And Ivy League grad students.

And they wouldn't know justice if it bit them in the ass.

Save the republic.

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