Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sewage by any other name....

Wasn't going to write about this, except that I've heard about it from at least a half-dozen sources over the last 24 hours... That's the new crap-n-tax bill, called "The American Power Bill," sponsored by Kerry and Lieberman. Apparently they think we won't recognize this crap if they dress it up and rename it.

Briefly, from what I understand, it promises to raise the price of gasoline to about $10 per gallon and otherwise destroy life as we know it.

Of course, the dems will flock to it. I'm sure Pazzo Pelosi is four-square behind it. Anything that will help to destroy the USA will have her enthusiastic (though nutsy) endorsement.

Do we need this? Do we citizens continually have to battle the idiots in Washington? Why the hell don't they just leave us alone?

Everything they do only makes things much, much worse.

I'm just so sick and tired of it.

Laissez-faire! That means, literal translation from French:  Leave us alone!

Louis XVI didn't listen, and look what happened to him. And the silly-ass big-spending queen he rode in on.

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