Monday, May 24, 2010

The good, the bad, and the really, really ugly

I was going to write today about some good guys in congress, like Jim DeMint, who, when asked if he'd consider running for president, answered quickly and unequivocally, "No! At my age, it would be too much house and yard." 

Also Eric Cantor, for his "YouCut" website, where you can go in, pick an issue and/or pick from a set of issues for Cantor and others to submit as bills to congress. Trying to re-connect with the publiic, which has largely been ignored by this regime.

Also Paul Ryan, my favorite right now, for actually developing a program to reduce government spending, and Newt Gingrich, for his new book, "To Save America." I've only read the first chapter so far -- and it's available free at -- but have ordered the rest of the book. In 1994, Newt helped author the Contract with America, which spared us from what could have been Obama-like excesses during the Clinton regime.

The Clintons were, and continue to be, monumental idiots. A Republican congress saved their asses and prevented them from doing too much damage. And Bill gave us an enduring peek into the rather sordid and disgusting side of life under the desk in the Oval Office.

So that's what this blog was going to be about -- accentuate the positive and shove the negativity to a back burner for a while.

But no.... congress is once again asking the US citizen to bend over. Now, we're supposed to bail out the pension funds of the profligate labor unions, including SEIU, AUW, etc etc etc.

Hey, you know, if these stupid shits put their money away and invested it, the way they're supposed to, instead of paying off legislators and bussing their people around to terrorize bankers -- if they behaved responsibly with their members' dues, they wouldn't need a bail out. But it's easy to see where their priorities lie -- much more important to graft a permanent attachment to the public tit than to actually get any work done.

I've been in unions. I know exactly how they work.

The unions bullied and intimidated their employers into cadillac health care plans and lifetimes of retirement cruises to the Greek Isles and such. They bullied and intimidated their employers straight into bankruptcy in many cases. So now non-union American citizens are supposed to cover their foul-smelling asses?

I don't think so.

Let the silly shits subsist on Social Security hand-outs like the rest of us.

Anyone else getting the idea that this regime is almost incredibly incompetent? And also totally dedicated to destroying the USA?

Can we afford two and half more years of this bullshit?

Save ther republic.

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