Friday, May 21, 2010

The wreckage the Comrade leaves behind

A few weeks ago -- before the release of his new book -- Newt Gingrich was on a couple talk shows. In discussing the primary elections and such, and possible Republican strategies, Newt said that whoever wins office in the next elections will have to do something about "the wreckage that they leave behind." He was referring to the Comrade, Pelosi, Reid, and the rest of the merry marxists.

The phrase caught my attention. I picture Pearl Harbor at about noon, Hawaiian time, on December 7, 1941. Smoldering hulls and conning towers sticking up out of oil-slicked waters, the bodies of countless sailors amidst the debris, a stunned citizenry facing the task of assessing the damage, trying to recover and move on.

Or, perhaps more relevant, Manhattan at about noon on September 11, 2001. And those images are still very fresh.

Every day, the Comrade's regime takes on more and more features of a frat house out of control. And that's being kind to them, calling them merely reckless and irresponsible rather than deliberately toxic to the USA and dedicated to its destruction -- which comes to look like the true situation here.

Take the Arizona immigration law for example. It's entirely in line with federal law, and actually provides more protections to prevent racial profiling than the federal law. It has the support of just about 70% of the US population generally and the same level of support inside of Arizona. However, the Comrade apparently doesn't like it. He sends idiots like Holder and Napolitano to make fools of themselves at congressional hearings, claiming that although they're agin' it, No, they haven't read it.

So what are they? Just knee-jerk Obama-istas? Kinda like the "Good Germans" of the 1930s and 1940s.

If that isn't vile enough, the Comrade then gets a marionette called somebody Morton, who heads up ICE, the agency in charge of doing nothing about illegal immigration, to make a public announcement that his agency will not process any illegals turned over to them by Arizona.

Just like if you can't pass crap-n-tax, get the EPA to start breaking heads with no law at all.

Putting the concept of our republic aside for the moment, what the hell ever happened to democracy in America?

It's beginning to look an awful lot like a dictatorship, isn't it?

Just think about it.

Those elected in November and in 2012 will have a large job in front of them. But we can do it. We're Americans.

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