Thursday, May 20, 2010

Politicizing Wall Street

Comrade Osama is on TV right now -- or he was a minute ago. I had to turn it off. I can't even look at him anymore without retching.

Apparently the bill to nationalize the credit industry has gained closure in the Senate.

The stock market dropped 900+ points. Those irresponsible, greedy hate-mongers and capitalist pigs. Imagine, trying to salvage your income! What's wrong with those people?

Unemployment went up two-tenths of a point, and new applications for unemployment increased. Although Comrade Osama announced that as "good news" and as a sign of economic recovery. Yeah. And "Arbeit Mach Frei." ("Work Makes You Free." It was a slogan hanging over the entrance to Auschwitz.)

So the Comrade is out there selling what a fantastic job he and his merry marxists are doing with the economy. Flying directly in the face of real, known, measurable facts.

That takes an awful lot of nerve. Or an awful lot of lying to yourself. Which do you think it is?

Either that, or he's so stupid he can't add and subtract.

He blabs about bringing "accountability and responsibility" to Wall Street. This from a blockhead who's sunk the USA $14 TRILLION in debt? And is sitting up nights cooking up new schemes to destroy American prosperity. I mean really. How stupid does he think we are?

Do you believe him or your own perceptions?

No legislation will "fix" Wall Street or make it any better or any safer, and it shouldn't. Wall Street is a crap shoot. That's all it ever was. Traders bet on who they think will succeed or fail. Most regulatory efforts have only made the stock market more unpredictable, due to "unintended consequences." Which means most legislators are blockheads when it comes to economics and financials. They haven't got a clue. All they have are opportunistic, power-mad intentions.

For one thing, if you take no risk, you don't get much in the way of rewards. That's the name of the game.  In a free market, only the traders take the risk. If they win, THEY win; if they lose, THEY lose. They carry the burden and rake in the rewards. In a socialist economy, like Greece or the USA under this regime, the people and the government carry and pay for the risk. And there's really no way for them to win when traders are hamstrung by regulations.

So what kind of a crock is the Comrade pushing, huh? I think he was just never exposed to American traditions, American values, American institutions. He just doesn't know any better. He has absolutely no relevant standard to use to judge the issues, let alone attempt to influence these issues. The Framers were right in insisting that any president be a natural-born citizen, though they should have added "raised in the USA."

And Senator Greg Judd was on a while ago, saying he introduced a bill that would refuse the feds bailing out California and other blockhead spendthrift states. The bill was defeated.

Why not let them go down in flames? (And my state, Illinois, is apparently a good candidate for the fire.) The alternative is not a federal "rescue," but rather them taking the rest of the nation down with them.

You know what? Screw them. They blew it. Let them pay for their mistakes themselves one way or another. Look at this all as a "teachable moment." Maybe they'll learn something. Maybe.... but I doubt it. Can't teach a pig to sing.

I want the free market. I want the rationality and order of people taking care of themselves and their own interests, not the daily crash-and-burn chaos of socialism -- of each of us shouldering the burdens of those too stupid and irresponsible to take care of themselves.

I want the Comrade to go quickly to hell and burn very slowly on a spit flanked by Reid and Pelosi. Anthony Weiner and Dick(head) Durbin can be the hors d'oeuvres. (Or "horse doovers," which may be the more appropriate term.)

That's all for now.

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