Saturday, May 8, 2010

Dick Durbin's vision of the future

A little while back, after muscling socialist health care legislation through congress, Dick(head) Durbin, US Senator from Illinois -- senator of my state, but don't blame me, I never voted for him -- said that passing that crap legislation will secure a dem victory in upcoming elections because citizens won't be willing to give up their health care benefits. That is to say, once we all snuggle up nice and cozy with the nanny state, we'll never want to cut the apron strings.

You mean like Greece?

Been watching the riots in Greece. Apparently the rabid crowds blew up a bank or something. Like a bank -- any bank -- could be the source of their problems. 'Course, given the ignorant and childishly simplistic world-view of most socialists, they probably believe that banks are the source of money and wealth. No. Banks are more like hotels for the money that's been created by bank customers. Then the banks pimp that money out to make their own profits, and their profits are really pretty marginal and underwhelming, if they're honest.

Anyway, it seems the Greeks have all become so accustomed to sucking the public tit, they resent the hell out of the idea of having to work for a living. They certainly can't blame themselves for failure, so they attack the banks. Pretty shameful. Worse, their credit has run out and they have to go hat in hand to the IMF, begging for charity. From nations who aren't much better off, and who demand that Greece behaves more responsibly.

So Greek citizens stage a mass temper tantrum and burn down buildings and fight with each other. Does that work? Does that solve the problem? Does that make them any money to pay their own freight?

But I guess this is Dick(head) Durbin's lofty vision of the future of the USA. We'll all become so used to dependency and being owned by the federal government that if it threatens to deny us any goodies, we'll go into fits of rage, like a spoiled brat in a toy store.

Boy, that's something to look forward to, isn't it? Doesn't that just fill you with a sense of pride and self-respect? I'm broke. Let me go set fire to something and beat someone up.

Good grief. How would you like to live inside of Durbin's head with that kind of an outlook? What a genuine horror show that must be. He just assumes we're all sociopaths. No wonder he's so hot to try to control us and run our lives. Really scary world he lives in. Uncivilized.

Then I saw this guy named Mike Norman on Neil Cavuto. I couldn't believe this Norman guy. He looks like a grown-up. He's at least the size of Neil Cavuto and his voice has changed. But apparently he has a lasting and unshakeable faith in Santa Claus, and especially the federal-government-as-Santa-Claus.

So I googled Mike Norman and found something called "Mike Norman Is An Idiot." He sure is. Happy to know I'm not alone in my assessment.

Here, back to Economics 101. The government does not create wealth. The government can print money.... I was going to say "mint" money, but it can't mint money unless it owns some valuable metal, which it doesn't anymore. Most of the stuff in Fort Knox belongs to other people. We're just babysitting it. I believe it was Nixon who decided to entirely sever the value of the US dollar from anything real and let it "float" on the international currency market. So it's only paper and a promise, and the promise has proven to be pretty much of a crock in the hands of legislators hell-bent on bribing citizens to vote for them.

At any rate, the government does not produce anything. Every single service the government provides could be provided by a private citizen or company. It's just more convenient and much more orderly for a society or culture to grant its legislative and judicial authority to a single organization -- a government. We pay for that with our taxes. All the government does is create laws and enforce them. That's it. How much of that do you want to pay for? How much has any value for you?

Some of law is worthwhile. I'm not an anarchist. I'd happily support a police force and a military, but the EPA? Not so much. And when a government starts forcing you to pay for services you don't want or need -- what do you call that? Especially when the government has the authority to force you to pay for it. The tail begins wagging the dog. Eventually you end up with some kind of totalitarian nightmare that serves only a handful of tyrants at the expense of all other citizens. That's slavery no matter how you look at it.

So anyway, this Mike Norman person, like Dick(head) Durbin, and like the Comrade, doesn't seem to understand that value needs to be something more than good intentions. (Or maybe, not-so-good intentions.) You can't just dream up a treasury. Not even socialists, not even the Comrade, has been able to do that, though the Comrade seems to continue to believe that "Yes! I can!"

You can make all kinds of promises and borrow the money to pay for it -- for a while. But when the bill comes due in an idiotic socialist nation, like Greece, you end up with people killing each other. It's happened over and over and over again throughout history, and every couple generations, we get some new get-rich-quick scheme from some butthead like Karl Marx or John Kennth Galbraith.

Better we should hang onto to our liberties, each pay our own way, and respect others' right to do the same.

Save the republic. Preserve and promote capitalism and free enterprise. And by "free," I mean "unregulated" by anything but the common sense of every individual for and by him/herself.

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