Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What troubles me

Let me start by saying that I truly believe the USA would right now have the GDP and world standing of Uganda if it weren't for Fox Cable News, and especially Glenn Beck.

He's right now talking about the devastating financial bill -- which I mentioned a week or two ago, and which has passed the Senate and is awaiting the rubber stamp of the House. Dudd & Fudd (Chris Dudd and Barney Fudd) authored this piece of crap and we all know where they're coming from. More graft and corruption for all -- Oops! Not for all, just for those Rasmussen calls "the political class."

Little late on that one, Glenn.

To his credit -- and with a kind of courage that I don't have -- Glenn Beck has exposed all the sad and ruinous machinations behind this *^#%%@ marxist regime. And the recognition Beck gets from Washington is absurd and nonsensical accusations about catering to advertisers from that pipsqueak opportunist, Anthony Weiner.

Apparently Weiner has attached himself to Beck's coattails to generate some publicity for himself. He doesn't seem to do anything really positive and constructive. Weiner, by the way, is a protege of Chucklehead Schumer. Read all about it at David Horowitz's FrontPage web site. No surprise. If Weiner and Schumer didn't have each other, they'd have no friends at all. Who else could stand spending any time with any of them? But can you imagine fighting for a spot in the camera in front of either one of them?

Anyway, so I truly do admire what Glenn Beck is doing. Honestly, where would we be without him?

My one objection about Beck is that, after detailing what looks like a global scam -- I mean scheme -- to crush US capitalist prosperity, private property, and political liberty -- Glenn then unveils his simple solution for it all:


No offense, Glenn, but God let the Nazis murder 11 million people. God gave the 9/11 terrorists a bright sunny day to smash the World Trade Center. God and the Pope locked Galileo and Bacon in isolated towers for suggesting the earth revolved around the sun. And I could go on with a litany of other horrendous incidents where God simply turned a blind eye to the fate of all us made of mortal clay, perhaps implying, "You people figure it out."

And that's Deism: maybe there is a God, but he doesn't get involved.

I've said before, I'm not religious. I was raised Catholic. After that psychological nightmare of unearned guilt and shame, I spent a lot of time despising religion in general for teaching altruism and promoting a kind of social slavery.  I mean, where did that blockhead Marx get the inspiration for "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need," if not from the Catholic church? Which was, by the way, an out-of-control and near-terrorist political organization for centuries in Europe. Ever hear of the Inquisition? And look at the wreckage it's left behind....

Anyway, I'm over most of my revulsion for organized religion (excluding terrorist Islam, shar'ia law and that whole bundle of snakes) and have been for a while. People NEED something to believe in. If they don't have something positive to believe in, they make it up -- like communist utopias and the like.

But I don't think surrendering myself to whatever God is supposed to be will save the nation. Hasn't happened yet. Never. Not once in human history, except perhaps when the Spanish Armada sunk in the North Sea, or a Chinese fleet was similarly destroyed by the Divine Wind en route to conquest of Japan.

So, as they said during WWII, Praise the Lord! AND PASS THE AMMUNITION.

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