Monday, May 17, 2010

Pazzo Pelosi underwriting your dreams

Pazzo Pelosi has apprently been catching up on her reading -- of Marx's Kapital, that is.

She made (another) idiot statement the other day:  "You can leave your work and pursue creative work as a musician... or whatever... knowing that your health insurance will be covered."

First of all -- the socialized medicine legislation doesn't allow for someone else to cover your insurance. It forces you to buy it  -- and not just any ol' policy, but some kind of cadillac model with a whole lot of coverage you probably don't need. It will certainly push me further into debt, and heaven only knows what impact it will have on the republic. We can only imagine.

And suppose Pazzo had actually read the legislation, which it seems she hasn't. OK. Where would I send the rent bill? Would I qualify for food stamps? I'm going to  need a rather generous fund for Internet services, subscriptions, utilities, entertainment, and I'd like to get another cat to engage my playful side to help keep my dreams alive. Should I just address these funding requirement to Pazzo Pelosi, Capitol, DC? Or perhaps to her taxpayer-funded jumbo jet, where she and her staff spend so much time and money?

Blockhead Karl Marx had a similar dream. He'll sit on his ass developing boils and scribble out his fantasies of a dream life where he sits on his ass scribbling out his fantasies, and the State pays for it. Actually, it was Engels who funded Marx, but that was before the glorious revolution.

Marx was dreaming of a world where Engels' burden would be carried by those thousands of happy workers who, like the Seven Dwarves, march happily to work every day, whistling and shouldering shovels, to support other peoples' lives and dreams. "Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! It's off to work I go...."

Sort of brings to mind all those antebellum happy darkies gamboling on the plantation lawn in the gloaming -- after a personally satisfying day of picking cotton and boiling cane -- admidst the heady scent of magnolia blossoms, strumming their banjos while the beloved ol' Massa and saintly Missus look on...

And compare the Marx-Pelosi vision against how communism actually worked in the USSR, how it functions now in Red China, Cuba, Venezuela, or any other place on earth that has been saddled with that hideous wreck of social and economic oppression.

The real, visible, and painful result is brutal and violent political repression, slave labor, and dire poverty, except for the very few at the top of the food-chain, such as the White House and congressional leadership. I'm quite sure Pazzo places herself among that pampered elite; not likely she'll volunteer to work the night shift at a laundry, a job that is probably more in keeping with her capabilities than the job she has now.

Pazzo, surely with your admittedly insane imagination, you can do better than borrowing a stale and discredited fantasy from a twisted wannabe messiah who refused to take a day job. (And I mean Marx, not the Comrade, though the Comrade qualfies.)

Save the republic. Dump this assholette in the next election. Or at least render her a two-bit back-bencher in the minority party. And that's way more than she can handle.

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