Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Does the White House "get it" yet?

It's 2:00 am on Tuesday, May 3 here. Fox has been exhaustively repeating -- I mean reporting --  on the US Attorney General's middle-of-the-night announcement that they've arrested a US citizen with a Pakistani background for planting the exploding SUV in Times Square on Saturday night. Saw parts of AG Hold'em's statement. He seems about as braindead as Janet Napolitano, who seems to have such a hard time staying awake. Thank God for the NYPD. Hold'em suggested that Faisal Shazzam! (shades of Gomer Pyle) or whatever the arrested's name is, is actually a... well... a... gulp... "terrorist." He's trying to kill Americans.

OMG! Someone call the police!

So Fox is waking up all their commentators and reporters asking them why Hold'em is making this announcement in the middle of the night.

Apparently Hold'em wants to impress us all that the White House is finally convinced that "terrorists" truly do exist.

Do ya think? Next they'll be claiming that Iran is seriously developing an atom bomb. (Abracadabrajab was haranguing about that all day at the UN, but I'm sure the Comrade will just charm the pants off him and get him to change his mind about wiping Israel off the face of the earth.)

Perhaps, like Van Jones, right up until this moment, Hold'em and the rest of the merry marxists thought it really was George Bush who blew up the Twin Towers in a major power grab. After all, they probably would have.

But no... Hey, maybe there really is an al-Qaeda trying to kill Americans. Or a Taliban, or someone. Spooky.

What a bummer, huh? Maybe they better lock the guy up, what do you think?

Shazzam! was arrested at JFK airport as he was boarding a plane for Dubai. Oh dear, hope they didn't do any profiling in tracking this guy down. Maybe he looks like an Middle Easterner. Oh-oh -- there goes any chance of conviction at trial. I mean, you don't want to actually suggest that a Middle Eastern-looking person would be involved in anything like al-Qaeda or the Taliban. We must be fair. Hope they searched a few Swedes and Icelanders while they were at it.

They did read Shazzam! his rights. Think they'll maybe question him? No... better get him a lawyer. Maybe from Hold'em's former law firm doing their fair share of pro bono work. They seem to sympathize with people who are somehow vaguely connected to "man-made disasters." Especially when they happen in the United States.

What a damn circus, know what I mean?

And again, thank God for the NYPD. Deep in my heart, I don't believe the feds had anything to do with it.

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