Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A big dumb ox in the road, or Is the Comrade playing Wisconsin democrat?

Oh, appropos of my last blog, wondering what the hell the Comrade is doing as the world goes up in flames... I think I figured it out.

He's playing "Wisconsin democrat," the game where you just check out and refuse to play unless you get your own way. Like a two-year-old holding his breath.

You know, during the Civil War, one way the Confederates tried to block the Yankees was they'd kill a horse or a cow and leave it in a river to pollute the water supply. In the Kanawha Valley, one of the earlier campaigns, and the only thing McClellan ever won, the Confederates felled trees across the road so the Yankee columns couldn't pass.

The Comrade is doing the same thing. He'll just sit there like a big dumb ox, or like an oblivious 14-year-old, picking his favorites for college basketball, but doing nothing to assist the USA.

We can get along quite well without his sorry butt, as a matter of fact, much better than having him at the helm. But as long as he occupies the White House, he has the power to destroy.

And you know what happened to the Confederates, doncha? Here's a hint: they didn't win.

Sherman is blamed for burning down Georgia, but more often than not, the rebs set their own property ablaze rather than let it fall into Union hands.

And you know what happened to Georgia.

Eventually, this tactic becomes quite blatantly self-destructive.

So if the Comrade isn't going to play, the polite thing is to get his sorry ass out of the road and let the grown-ups take over.

Anybody got any good grounds for impeachment? I think the time has come. Two more years of this bullshit and there won't be anything left to rebuild.

Save the Republic.

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