Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Our" values, Comrade?

Didn't see all of the Comrade's speech last night. Frankly, I can't watch him for too long. Really can't stand the sight of him anymore.

However, he made a few comments that struck me as very screwy.

First, he says the USA can't allow Kadaffy to kill his own people. Somebody had to stop it.

He said essentially, the US's concern for the Libyan rebels -- and apparently other rebels, everywhere -- is what makes America exceptional.

No that's not it at all. What makes America exceptional is our Constitution, our commitment to recognize and preserve individual rights.

The big heart -- if that's what you want to call it -- has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Then he yammered on about the big coalition with Europe. NATO will lead the efforts in Libya.

NATO is the USA and a half-dozen friends. Just about the same friends who led the initial attack. So it does't look like there's going to be any big change, really in who's running the thing in Libya.

But he did seem proud that this is a "collective" effort.

Animal Farm demonstrated a "collective" effort, Comrade. Nothing to be proud of, really, especially if/when it might involve putting US military and resources at the disposal of heaven-only-knows-who.

Then at the end, he talked about how all of this reflects "our" values After spending the first 20 minutes demonstrating that he doesn't understand US values at all.

So... His comments weren't worth much more effort on my part.

Save the Republic.

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