Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to solve the energy crisis

Well, members of the Comrade's administration, that is several merry marxists, are held in contempt of court for refusing to process requests for permits to re-open and continue drilling oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. A federal judge ordered the marxists to do their jobs and they refused. Perhaps these "officials" are on a roof top in L.A. with Charlie Sheen -- just too busy "winning" to do their paperwork.

Here's something we can do to compel the Comrade and his little green elfin friends to stop obstructing the life of the nation -- make them pay for their own fuel.

That's right. See that entourage of lobbyists and others (in many cases, czars) surrounding Comrade Butthead? Yeah, they pay to fill up all those limos, all that aircraft. They pay for it themselves. No more expense accounts.

Want to keep floodlights on all night on the White House lawn? Comes out of the Comrade's paycheck, along with the rest of the electric bill.

EPA's Carol Browner-n-browner pays all the energy bills for her HQ and other crummy operations across the US. For all her travel. For EPA web sites. Comes out of her pay.

Take it out of your pay, you silly buttheads. Pay for it the way the rest of us do, and maybe it will begin to dawn on you that wind and solar just won't cut it. Wind and solar are, at best, very primitive technologies. Kinda like if we all had fire pits in the living room, and struck flint and steel to get them going overnight.Wind and solar cost too much and fail to show an adequate return-on-investment.

But then return-on-investment is a foreign term and unknown idea to the people in this regime. The problem is, they've just whined and petitioned the government when they wanted something. None of them have ever had real jobs where they had to produce anything to make a living. If/when they have to start actually producing anything, the scales will fall from their eyes, etc.

The least we can do to assist in their maturation is to make them pay their own bills.

More later.Still thinkin' on that terrorist psychology thing, especially in light of the "We are all Muslims today" protest in Manhattan over the weekend. Read a couple pretty good articles by non-Americans about why and how muslim youths become radicalized. Very interesting stuff.

Save the Republic.

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