Monday, March 28, 2011

The tamagotchi culture

Know what a tamagotchi is?

It's this little computer about the size of a small pocket watch. When you start it up, it hatches, then you "raise" it, cued by relentless annoying signals. You feed it, change its diapers, play with it, etc. Or it gets sick and dies.

These are toys that are supposed to teach kids responsibility. They're also banned by some school districts as being major distractions for school kids. But most kids sort of forget about them after a couple days or maybe a week or two. The manufacturer has started putting in "pause" features and stuff like that.

Anyway, it occurs to me that the USA has become a tamagotchi culture.

Thomas Sowell, in a book called The Vision of the Anointed: Self-congratulation as a basis for social policy, noted that liberals consistently regard black voters as something like "mascots." Holding them as hopelessly inept tap-dancers and whatever who can be depended upon to vote loyally liberal and who go through life incapable of doing anything for themselves and without a federal handout.

In other words. as liberals see it, black voters are tamagotchis. Totally pathetic. Perennially in need of aid. Many American Indian tribes fall into the same category.

And please note, this isn't necessarily how blacks or American Indians see themselves. And as usual with liberal thought, it doesn't have to reflect the reality of the situation.

It just gives liberals some kind of "noble" reason for bankrupting the USA on social programs that cripple the public, enabling misbehavior and irresponsibility.

But apparently since we've elected a black president, it's increasingly difficult for liberals to regard blacks as hapless, helpless victims that need to be coddled and babied and sheltered lest they get sick and die.

Instead, we've got both domestic and foreign muslims to worry about. And the palestinians at least -- with their overwhelming self-pity and constant whining -- seem to relish this role.

Careful, muslims everywhere, you're about to be turned into a faceless -- yet helpless and victimized -- political football that congress can kick around and use to inspire guilt in their cohorts -- all towards the end of ruining the USA. I suspect the more evil muslims -- the murderous terrorists -- already know this and are happy to assume this role, the same way Van Jones "inspires" his brainless followers to regard themselves as stupid and incapable of taking care of themselves and in need of assistance from some authority in government.

I don't know, I find this all rather insulting. I resent the feds' attitude that I need to be turned into a tamagotchi with things like socialized medicine and a tax on soda pop.

And really, who the hell are the people in the federal government -- who can't manage their own finances and have over-spent the budget by not just a couple millions, but by TRILLIONS of dollars -- who the hell are they to tell anyone else how to live? I mean, they've proven that addressing real life issues is something they haven't yet got a handle on, and they're giving us advice? Please....

Thomas Jefferson said in a letter, "If man is not capable of ruling himself, how then can be fit to rule others?" This is something Glenn Beck is fond of quoting, but apparently he doesn't realize it came from Jefferson.

Anyway, that's it for now.

Save the Republic.

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