Thursday, March 10, 2011

On Wisconsin

Well, looks like Gov. Walker of Wisconsin and those legislators who did show up for work managed to stand pat and get the collective bargaining laws for public employee unions changed.

Haven't read the detailed reports yet and could be wrong, but it seem they separated the union collective bargaining measures from the appropriations bill and no longer needed the quorum majority required for a tax bill.

And right now dozens of crazy lunatics are "storming" the Capitol Building in Madison.

Well, Anne Coulter was on Hannity's TV show last night, just furious that Gov. Walker and the Wisconsin Republicans hadn't been out in full public relations gear, pennants flying, exposing all the crap the unions have been getting away with in Wisconsin. Coulter pointed out that seven bus drivers in Madison made $100,00.00 or more in 2000. On TV, she noted that public union members can claim 30 minutes of time-and-a-half pay if their boss calls them at home after hours.

Wisconsin begins to look more and more like Bell, California, that village where the city manager "voted" to give himself an annual salary of close to $1 million.

All I can say is, man, have I been in the wrong business.

Interesting, too, that the federal government doesn't allow the same kind of collective bargaining that Wisconsin and other states have been burdened with.

Anyway, I'm so tired I can barely type. Just wanted to lay a big wet sloppy kiss on the Wisconsin Republicans.

They shall not be moved. And they'll Save the Republic.

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