Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to the funny farm

In stressful times, many people have a tendency to go nuts.

On a minor scale, there's the whack-job running North Korea who just fires off missiles whenever the spirit moves him.

Closer to home and non-political, poor Charlie Sheen blankets TV with interviews that clearly indicate he's in a drug-induced fog of delusions of grandeur. Which, in turn, tend to generate into delusions of persecution -- that paranoia we all here so much about. Poor Charlie. Cocaine destroys brain chemistry, you know? And this also looks just a little bit more like male menopause than the arrival of the Hollywood ubermensch, as he suggests. I just remember Freddie Prinz, John Belushi, Michael Jackson, etc. etc., and afterwards people going, "Where were their families? Couldn't anyone stop them from destroying themselves?" Well, apparently not.

Then, of course, we have the Middle East.

Kadaffy certainly is ugly, isn't he? Heard something very funny. Many European leaders are calling for Kadaffy to step down, finally joined by our Comrade, who hasn't got a clue about foreign relations so usually waits to see what others doing and takes his cue from them. So Kadaffy explains that he's not the head of state. He has no authority. All he ever did was make a revolution, and then he went back to his tent. With a whole army and lots of lethal military devices. He's a real hoot.

Meanwhile, in efforts to change his blood thirsty thug public image, Abracadabrajab in Iran makes a speech where he pretends to be shocked! shocked! that Kadaffy is shooting down his own people. Hey, Abra, look out your window. Seems Kadaffy is following your lead.

The more antsy in our government want the US to "do something." They're sending aircraft carriers and all kinds of things into the Mediterranean. You know what? We don't need another war. Just pull a "Reagan," target Crazy Kadaffy, blast the crap out of him in his tent, then pack up and go home. Know what I mean? I mean, if you must. Half of Kadaffy's "army" has already defected. Without their bonkers boss, they probably won't continue the fight.

Then we have the Mad 14 from Madison. Still holed up in a hotel somewhere. Apparently one Wisconsin legislator -- one who actually showed up for work -- met with the Mad 14 in Kenosha. (I go grocery shopping in Kenosha. This is very local for me. Wonder where they met?) Some of those 14 actually seem to want to go back to Wisconsin and assume their responsibilities. One of them is six months pregnant, so I would guess she's only good for the short term.

Anyway, crowds of loony socialist teenagers continue to mob the capitol. They must be die-hard Astro-Turf, earning their $10.00 an hour. I should check CraigsList. SEIU was running ads on CraigsList for the longest time, looking for "halfwits to carry signs and curse at TV cameras" or something like that. $10.00 an hour. No kidding. 'Course the crazies in Madison don't seem to be SEIU -- or at least they exchanged their purple shirts. But they're still crazy. Still insisting that the governor and the legislature will be able to wring just a few more drops of blood from a budget that's already in the red.

Patsy Cline sang this song time ago that's really a classic now. It's a love song, but it starts out, "Crazy..."


Save the Republic.

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