Sunday, March 13, 2011

...But he's THEIR murdering thug

Looks like the beginning of yet another foreign policy mess as John Kerry, Dick(head) Durbin, Can't-Keep-It-Zipped Clinton and several other dems, mainly, are clamoring for the US to provide a no-fly zone in Libya. Such a thing would require, first of all, knocking out all of Libya's air capacity, including trying to smash up all their military aircraft, blow up airport runways, etc. etc. That's pretty much how you enforce the concept of "no-fly."

Seem strange that the most dove-ish in congress want to ensnare the US in yet another war? Guilt-driven, the idiots promoting this notion are engaging in their fantasy of the US as the Great White Knight paving the Road to Liberty. Until it all goes sour.

Unfortunately, this Great White Knight thing just hasn't worked very well for the US so far -- except possibly in Iraq, but the jury's still out there.

And I can just see it all now. These latter-day gallants charging to support a "democratic" uprising, which, if  successful, has a less than 50-50 chance of avoiding being hijacked by islamic radicals, who, in turn, will turn around and jump up and down for Al-Jazeera and fire off automatic weapons, and harangue their young in the madrases to go blow up the US.

And when they do, our dem hawks, hell-bent on their version of "making the world safe for democracy," will stand up on the floor of the Senate one day and claim that it was all Mitch McConnell and John Boehner's fault. I mean, twice is a pattern and three times, it becomes a trend, you know? Pretty predictable.

And, Senator Kerry, if any situation looked like a potential Viet Nam.... How quickly they forget what they claim to believe in.

The thing is, though Kadaffy is clearly insane and a ruthless, murdering thug, he's THEIR murdering thug. Let the Libyan rebels take care of him. They aren't doing such a bad job so far. And while Kadaffy is without doubt a crazy murdering thug, he's still a muslim, he belongs to that world and that culture, and why should we give him an external enemy to rally around?

You know what they'll say: the US is there only because of the oil. And frankly, I can't think of a single reason anyone would involve themselves with Libya except for the oil.

It's like cops get a call for a domestic dispute. They go to the house, find that a drunken husband had smacked his wife with a golf club. So they clap cuffs on the guy and take the wife to the hospital for a few stitches over her eyebrow. She'll be safe for the night, and the cops advise her to come down to the station next day to swear out a warrant... and hopefully, maybe also see a divorce lawyer.

So the wife never shows up. The next time the cops see her, it's when they're called to the house again to for a domestic dispute.The cops clap cuffs on the guy, and ask the wife if she plans to swear out a warrant this time.

"Well, he's the father of my children...." "Well, he's always provided for us..." Confronted with the threat of independence, the wife suddenly regards regular beatings as something she can live with.

So the cops become the bad guys. The cops are the ones breaking up the family. The cops started this whole thing.

So Kadaffy is beyond any doubt a demented, power-made, narcisstic and probably schizoid murdering thug. But he's LIBYA's murdering thug.

And they can have him. Let them resolve this on their own.

Save the Republic.

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