Friday, March 25, 2011

Two wolves and a sheep

OK, here's the problem with democracy: it is, essentially, two wolves and sheep voting on what to have for dinner.

That's an old joke, but true. It also the highlights what's so exceptional about the USA. This is not a democracy, but a constitutional republic based on the idea of individual rights. See, in the two wolves and a sheep thing, does the sheep really have any rights? Not if it's a minority, no. But in the USA, we believe in "equal rights."

Get it, Comrade? Pazzo? Nero? Weiner? Slappy Joe?

See, the U.N. consists of virtually hundreds of wolves and one sheep -- who happens to be the only member with a competent military organization. So the wolves get together and determine that the sheep should fix things in Libya. And probably everywhere else so the wolves can spend their time and energy burning down banks and trading carbon offsets... in their spare time, after they retire at 35 or whatever.

But interesting that the Comrade looks to the U.N. to determine foreign policy for the USA.

And, frankly, more than a little scary.

Hannity pointed out tonight, talking to John McCain, the key flaws in the Comrade's screwed-up approach to foreign policy. Hannity noted how Bush -- and others before him -- set an objective, made a plan, and then approached the U.N. and other allies for support.

The Comrade and Hillary approach the U.N. for support, compel a U.S. air strike, and will spend the next several years trying to figure out an objective and hammer out a plan.

And while Hannity was debating this, the "crawl" at the bottom of the TV screen read something like: U.N. has agreed to meet to discuss terms for talks on Libya.

Yeah, that sounds like progress. So I suppose topping the agenda will be a six-month debate on whether delegates should sit at a round or a square table. Hey, that's about as far as we got in "negotiations" with the North Vietnamese over a decade. I mean, I'm not making this stuff up.

So when is the next presidential election, again? I'm starting a countdown.

Save the Republic.

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