Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Who's the extremist?

So New York's butthead Senator Schumer was busted yesterday, telling his dem buddies to always use the term "extremist" in regard to those in congress who are attempting to spare the nation from total economic destitution.

So we can only assume that Mr. Schumer believes it's a good thing to ruin the nation.

And please consider this: The United States is a constitutional republic (NOT a democracy, thank you), and has been forever free market capitalist. In fact, the U.S. has always been an economic powerhouse -- astoundingly innovative, incredibly wealthy, and enjoying a pretty high level of personal freedom due precisely to our commitment to limited government intervention in our lives.

So people who now want to preserve those values and principles are to be called "extremist"?

The people who want to destroy the free market and capitalism, who seek to turn US corporations into wards of the state -- like GE (Edison, I'm sure, is rolling in his grave) -- enslave us all under the burden of crushing and unsustainable debt, tell us what to eat for dinner, what books we should read, censor the media -- including the Internet -- and which makes war without so much as a "by your leave" to congress or to any private citizen that I know of -- these people are not "extremists"?

These people are more like fascists than anything else. People with no brains, guided by blind ambition, and  "enforcing" their bullshit with the big fist of threatened prosecution.

These dems, lead by Schumer and like-minded anti-life blockheads, want to turn the U.S. into some kind of socialist nanny state.

All of us little peons out here, every time we get hungry, are supposed to turn our glazed and brainless eyes to Washington and ask not only for food stamps, but for menu suggestions.

But that's not "extremist."

Schumer and other like-minded blockheads, want to strip of us not only our political rights, but also all of our self-respect and dignity as individuals. But that's not extremist?

Schumer and other like-minded blockheads, believe they are easily ten or twenty times smarter than everyone else. They feel compelled -- no doubt out of the goodness of their granite hearts -- to "take care" of all of us stupid morons who labor daily in the fields.

Adding insult to real, tangible, and almost incurable injury, Schumer and other like-minded blockheads, are rehearsing their patter.

"Tell them the Tea Party are 'extremists,'" Schumer says. "That should scare the socks off of 'em. Not like us, who only seek to take all their money, devalue their property, annihilate their children's futures, and turn the US into a backwater swamp."

Yeah, Schumer -- and other like-minded blockheads -- we can't tell the difference between your slick, manipulative bullshit and real life. Is that what you think?

Maybe Schumer and other like-minded blockheads ought to take a little walk outside the Beltway -- which is booming, by the way, due to the feds selling out US autonomy to the Red Chinese -- and take a good look at exactly how much misery and destruction you all have wrought with your irrational, ill-considered, fantasy political and economic policies.

Honestly, what will save America is the fact that the general American population is not half as blind and stupid as Schumer and other like-minded blockheads.

How did this scumbag get elected? Why does he stay in office? New York, you got some 'splaining to do.

Save the Republic.

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