Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can you hear us now?

So, the Comrade spent lots of time in New Jersey, and as it turns out, the race wasn't even close. The Republican, Christie, won by at least 100,000 votes last time I looked.

In Virginia, the Republican won by something like 12% or more.

In that bizarre race in New York's 23rd Congressional Dist., a guy no one ever heard of until a month ago, and who pretty much forced out the "moderate" Republican, lost the race, but only by about 4,000 votes, last time I looked. Not a bad showing, though still a loss.

But I suppose all the congresscritters on Capitol Hill were busy behind closed doors creating more expensive and unwanted legislation, so they couldn't care less about any of this.

Remember good ol' Tip O'Neil? "All politics is local." He has a point.

Harry Reid, who's actually not polling well in his home state of Nevada, now says that the Senate needs to do some more tinkering or something with the Senate version of socialized medicine, so the bill probably won't get through the Senate until after Christmas. English translation: He doesn't have the votes.

Here's another thing.... putting off legislation for the "next session" is kinda like what the Chi-Town Cubbies do every year about post-season play. But I'm sure people like the Comrade and his Merry Marxists won't let Reid totally shelve the bill. No, they're going for total humiliation.

Meanwhile, Pazzo Pelosi is calling for a vote on the House socialized medicine bill this week sometime. That's the now 2,000+ page bill that people are still reading. So soon after the slaughter of Election Day, Pazzo? She really is a couple bricks short of a load, isn't she? But go ahead, then we'll be rid of it.

I must say, I really love America. I mean, Washington can pretty much go to hell, but there's 300 million non-politicians out here who really do get it, and who aren't prepared to give it up just yet.

I love you guys!

Do you suppose now a big wave of honest government will sweep across the nation? Well, let's not get carried away.... I really can't picture Illinois cleaning up its act. Without corruption and cronyism, I don't think Illinois politicians would really know how to behave.

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