Sunday, November 8, 2009

What a difference a year makes

Occurs to me that it's a year since the Comrade was elected. Of course, he didn't take office until Jan. 20, but this time last year I was -- even then -- reeling in disbelief, worried about what the hell was going to happen to the country. So what has happened? Let's review.
  • The useless government-sponsored boondoggles, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were bailed out at citizen expense, yet they continue to totter toward collapse since their clientele have no jobs and cannot pay their mortgages.
  • Some of the largest capital investment firms in the nation were allowed to fail, the decision about who remained standing apparently determined by how close you are to Tim Geithner; Goldman Sachs has a leg up.
  • Approximately 105 smaller banks have been closed -- and that number grows almost daily.
  • Unemployment has gone from 7.2% to 10.2%.
  • The federal government passed an astonishingly expensive ($787 billion) so-called Stimulus bill that has accomplished nothing perceivable, except to prop up the employment of marginal state government payrollers, making it virtually impossible for the states to cut their expenses. In fact, most will see higher ongoing expenses due to the stimulus package. They will probably have to raise taxes, since printing more currency is not an option for them.
  • The House passed a useless and astonishingly expensive energy bill, now stalled in the Senate. If passed, this bill will probably end up doubling the cost of energy across the nation, and the cost of everything produced by energy (i.e. everything.)
  • The House passed an actually destructive and frightening 2000-page socialized medicine bill that may compel many health care professionals to leave the field while accelerating demand for their services. And, just as Baby Boomers begin to retire in droves, they will find that the specious security blanket Medicare has provided has been pulled out from under them.
  • All this garbage legislation has re-energized the political right, but their high-volume, orderly protests have fallen on deaf ears. The federal government is apparently so dead-set on seizing control of every detail of every citizen's life, they don't want to know that we'd all rather see them burning in hell.
  • The Comrade in the White House seems to have sailed off into outer space somewhere, touching down to earth only to make a speech here and there to promote some new, useless, destructive and crushingly expensive socialist Five-Year Plan. Liberal media are scambling to preserve some "good" in him. His rockstar charisma begins to fail, and he doesn't seem to have any other resources to fall back on.
  • Judging by recent -- almost daily -- news reports of attacks and bombings in Afghanistan, soon the war will wind down -- simply because all US soldiers will be killed through attrition, and with no support or reinforcement coming to them.
  • Oh, and let's not forget that private citizens are going nuts and shooting each other, desperate to pin the blame on someone for the shambles their lives have become.
  • Economic growth remains elusive, as small businesses -- the engine of economic growth -- are faced with continuing threats of monumental increases in their tax burden. Who wants to expand when any growth will be sucked up by local, state, and federal taxes and regulatory diktats?
  • And, of course, there's the impending (if not predictable) bankruptcy of the USA and its impact on international markets. Pretty soon the dollar will be worth less than the paper it's printed on. This is good for the sale of exports, but also means the demise of the nation both economically and politically. What is that smell? The New World Odor?
Welcome to the Workers Paradise! Aren't you glad you voted socialist? Last year this time, with the dust still settling over the collapse of Wall Street, I didn't think things could get any worse. I was wrong.

We're still hearing that it's all Bush's fault. Hey, you know what? The question is not "How did we get into this mess?" The question is "What are you doing about it?"

The answer? Spend astronomical sums of money that will cripple free enterprise and keep the US in hock down to the 3rd and 4th generations. Is that acceptable?

I do believe for the 2010 election, the Democrat plan is to try to re-activate the under-21 vote -- those green recruits who've never had to pay their own rent and can afford to believe in pie-in-the-sky obamanomics as long as they're still parasites living off their parents. And now they can stay on their parents' insurance policies, as dependents, until they're 27 years old.

When I was 18, my mom told me I had to start paying rent or move out. I relished the idea of independence. But that was another generation. We didn't wear helmets to ride bikes, either, ate dirt, and stayed outside until the street lights came on, or later if we could get away with it. Life was an adventure. No more. Now the idea is to shelter and protect against life and its uncertainties.... With the result that you create only more and unknowable uncertainties and your kids do not have the personal resources to deal with any of it. All they're capable of is whining to Uncle Sam for a hand-out.

Illegal aliens represents another fertile field for enlisting Democrat voters. Especially the newly-arrived, who likely don't speak much English and who aren't much familiar with US traditions. They hear Democrat war cry: "Hop aboard the gravy train!" It's a call to action that's hard to resist.

Did I leave anything out? Are you feeling more hopeful and optimistic about the USA? What about your kids? What are they going to do after you're gone? With an education consisting of chanting praises of the Comrade and listening to horror stories about "Global Warming." Likely they'll end up huddled in caves and worshiping totems.

Wasn't it Reagan who asked, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" And just think, back in those days, it took four years to dismantle the prosperity of the republic. Now it's only been one year.

So, are you better off now than you were one year ago? Better prospects? More hope? More opportunity? Is government more accessible and transparent? Are they doing what you want them to do? Or has government become the power-drunk 800-lb gorilla in the room, smashing everything up as it staggers and collapses, threatening to take you with it.

Just think about it.

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