Friday, November 13, 2009

When ideology overcomes common sense

Just listening to Rudy Giuliani on Neil Cavuto. Giuliani is upset about the fed's recent decision to try the terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks as criminals in a court in New York City. Giuliani notes that those committing the attacks regarded themselves as soldiers in the jihad against the US -- their words, their war -- and the US treats them like shoplifters and grants them all the rights and legal protections of US citizenship. The alternative is to try them by military tribunal.

If I were a New Yorker, I think I'd take my vacation to Disneyworld or someplace while the trial is on. And drive there -- don't get in any airplanes.

One of the problems of treating islamic terrorists like criminals -- particularly in finding some other place but Guantanamo to incarcerate them -- is that they have a lot of ruthless friends who may come in the night and burn down the jail and everything and everyone else around it. It's an invitation to loonies like Major Hasan to do their worst, kill and/or blow up as many people as possible. The feds are naming the venue, making it accessible.

It's stupid. Sort of like reading POWs their "rights" before picking them up off the battlefields in Afghanistan. It's an insult to human intelligence. It's typical of this administration.

Giuliani calls it "ideology overcoming common sense." He asks, "Would you try the people who bombed Pearl Harbor in a court in Hawaii?" Yeah. That sounds like a fair assessment.

I do hope that Mayor Bloomberg is recruiting and training additional Bomb Squad personnel and that he'll be roping off the streets around the federal courthouse in New York. Walking through a metal detector won't be quite adequate when dealing with people who regularly employ things like plastic explosives and who have exhibited absolutely no respect for human life.

This is all part of the fictional world-view of the Comrade and his Merry Marxists. What the Comrade doesn't seem to grasp -- or maybe he does -- is that this is a lie created with the sole intent of destroying the USA and other, similar successful free-world nations. It's not a valid ideology based upon reality with the goal of the success of the human race. It's twisted logic devised to use our system of justice and guarantees of freedom to ruin us and the rest of the world.

But, as I said, maybe the Comrade truly does understand this. Perhaps his aim is to wreck the USA and anihilate our individual liberties. I haven't seen anything come out of the White House that would contradict this negative interpretation. Rather, everything the Comrade has done, every policy and legislative proposal he supports looks to be designed to destroy the USA, to undercut its political and economic foundation and internal structure with the purpose of collapsing the whole nation.

Does anyone still support this guy? If so, why?

Maybe the Comrade and his Merry Marxists (his handpicked staff, his loony supporters in congress) should go on trial beside the islamic terrorist. They all seem to be working toward the same end. And I do mean "end."

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