Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Clilmate change travesty

Apparently a big batch of emails that passed between various bigwigs in the Climate Change movement have been released. Many of the scientists and researchers sending-receiving the emails, if not most of them, are involved in the IPCC, the global organization that has set itself up as the final authority on this b.s. The emails seem to indicate that these so-called scientists have been scrambling of late to sustain their silly claims that "The Sky Is Falling!" in the face of geologic realities.

They seem to discuss the importance of all staying on the same page about climate change, and the emails suggest that there has been some dummying up of the numbers behind their dire claims of melting polar ice caps, rising ocean levels, etc. etc. etc. It seems that some of them also tried to manipulate the peer-review process, whereby one researcher's work is read and criticized by other researchers. Well, if all your peers know each other, and all agree to perpetrate the hoax of Global Warming and other nonsense, then you pretty much end up with some bizarre kind of conspiracy among scientists to deliberately mislead the public.

Gee, I wonder why someone would do something like that.

One scientist wrote that trying to defend Global Warming when the earth is actually cooling has been a "travesty."

Yeah. The whole damn thing has always been a travesty. I mean, Global Warming. Since the globe isn't warming, they rename it Climate Change. Like Pazzo Pelosi suggesting congress rename the socialized medicine government option "One Hot Taco" or something like that so more people would like it. But in both cases, the issues have more than just marketing problems.

And hey, ya know, change happens hour-to-hour in terms of the weather. At least it does in the Chicago area. And as far as climate goes, it seems these "scientists" were taking a rather short-range view of the subject instead of standing back and looking at the whole picture long-term.

Oh, they've been extemely busy projecting long-term futuristic scenarios of the earth turning into a popsicle and/or self-incinerating, they just never looked at data from far enough back to recognize that the earth is constantly changing, always has been, always will. Doesn't mean it's going to freeze or burn up. Doesn't mean that it won't, though, either. But I doubt there's much the human race can do about it.

What it does mean is that these so-called climate scientists will probably go the way of phrenologists and alchemists. And the quicker the better for my money.

Of course, that doesn't mean congress won't try to pass the crap-and-tax energy bill. No, see, congress likes fraudulent public movements that generate lots of hype, as long as congress can figure out some way to raise taxes over it. Climate change is a big one. Doesn't matter if it's true, only if they can create a panic about it, convince people it's some kind of urgent issue and absolutely requires some ridiculous level of funding. How about $920 kajillion? Think that'll do it? I'm sure Pelosi and Reid will get right on it, and the Comrade will fly around the country giving speeches about it.

It's all just an excuse to try to take control over peoples' lives, eliminate individual liberty. Climate change has never been much more than that, though some people, like Al Gore, have figured out how to make a pretty good living off of it.

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