Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you, Vets

Well, today is Veterans' Day. And yesterday was the memorial for the soldiers killed at Fort Hood by the islamic-terrorist-disguised-as-a-US-soldier. Apparently Hasan, the lunatic mass murderer, exhibited signs of his craziness, hatred for the US, and allegiance to insane international terrorism, but it would have been politically incorrect for anyone to point out that he was suggesting that Osama bn Ladn was Mohammed reincarnate and was beckoning him from the distant fastnesses of Pakistan to join the jihad.

What I don't understand is, why did Hasan join the Army? Why did he stay in the Army?

His brother said he joined the Army right after high school. The Army paid for his education, and Hasan is a psychiatrist -- pretty expensive education. Or maybe he just wanted to hide in school as long as possible rather than do any kind of work for his benefactor. I know that if the Army gives you that kind of education, you have to agree to serve a certain number of years as pay-back. Hasan is now 39 years old. Wonder how much longer he had to go to earn his education. I'm sure if he'd gone to his superiors and said, "Look, if you don't let me go, I'm going to kill a bunch of people," they probably would have let him out.

I only mention this because some butthead lunatic called Awlaki issued a statement whining about how very difficult it is emotionally for islamic terrorists to serve in the US military.

Well, yeah. I think that may be on purpose. Of course, I could be wrong. And I'm sure loyal US soldiers would be welcomed into al-Qaeda, given a hugely expensive education -- that is, a real education, not just 10 minutes in how to strap on a fishing vest loaded with plastic explosive -- and allowed to serve entirely out of the line of fire, even in wartime.

Why is the USA not allowed to defend itself?

You know, way back in the 1970s I was on a CTA bus in Chicago, riding home from work or something. I was in a seat by myself, reading, as usual. A couple guys shared a seat a couple rows ahead of me. I don't know where they were from. They both looked a little drunk. They were singing this weird music, clearly middle eastern, but I couldn't say what language or anything like that and have no idea what their religion was.

Anyhow, so these guys are singing this very weird and unlovely music, and singing pretty loudly. The bus was about half-full. No one said anything to them. I mean, we also have to listen to rap music (well, if you consider rap to be music) issuing from boom boxes at 110 decibels, so what the heck?

One of these guys looked around. The other guy said something like, "We're bothering everyone."

Guy Number One replied, "Yeah. They don't like it, but they're Americans, so they put up with it."

When do we stop putting up with it? Why do other people feel justified in making all kinds of unreasonable demands upon us? And why do we let them?

Similarly, on the domestic front, was listening to Bill O'Reilly tonight with Dennis Miller. I love Dennis Miller. I think O'Reilly probably likes Dennis because Dennis uses so many big words. Anyway... O'Reilly told Miller that a tax revolt is brewing. "The folks can't take much more," O'Reilly said.

Earlier, O'Reilly tried to goad John Stossel into leading a tax revolt. Stossel said he didn't think a revolt would happen.

I think it will. As a matter of fact, I think Pelosi, Reid, and the Comrade will be getting off light if all that happens is a tax revolt. Maybe that's why the Comrade is so friendly to Chavez, Ortega, and islamic terrorists. He's jockeying for a place of safe harbor for when the Capitol is over-run by rampaging, unemployed taxpayers.

Or are Americans supposed to be less likely to "snap" than islamic-terrorists-hiding-in-the-US-Army?

By the way, wanna buy a house? Rather than just let the bank foreclose, I'm trying to sell. The one thing in my favor is, I'll let it go cheap. (Ha-ha, Lake County tax assessor, take that! I'll bring down property values for the whole damn neighborhood! Then try building your highways to nowhere.) Talking to a real estate agent today, hopefully. Sick of paying the taxes on it, can't afford the necessary maintenance because of the taxes on it -- three times more than the principle I pay monthly -- sick of staying up all night trying to figure out where to get money to pay the bills and buy groceries.

Thanks, Pazzo, Harry & the Comrade. And if you think I can afford to buy insurance, you three are so very disconnected from reality it ain't even funny. Yet, somehow, I would still prefer freedom to the bullshit freebies you-all promise. Rather be dead than lose my freedom. You just can't understand that, can you? And if you don't understand that, the USA is just one big puzzle, isn't it?

Again in the 1970s, July 4, 1976 to be exact, the Bicentennial, I cried during the fireworks. Just couldn't imagine so many people dying for this. For me.

Thanks again, Vets. We owe you one.

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