Sunday, November 22, 2009

R.I.P. USA - It was terrific while it lasted

Well, the US Senate has even come in below my estimate. They voted -- along strict party lines -- to debate socialized medicine.

Oh, and I've got an anecdote for for Mary Landrieu and for the countless other political whores it applies to. You know who you are.

Playwright George Bernard Shaw was at a party one evening. He was saying that people will do anything for money. A grand lady objected, saying she wouldn't.

GBS asked her, "Would you sleep with me for a million pounds?"

Flustered, she said, "Well, for that much, I might consider it."

He said, "Would you sleep with me for 10 shillings?"

"Certainly not!" she said. "What do you take me for?"

GBS: "We've already established what you are. We're only fixing the price."

So the US Congress now is just a bunch of dumb sluts chasing cash. Blindly. Stupidly. Selling out the nation for.... What was it? $100 million. A lot of them will and have abandoned any pretense of principle for a lot less.

Here's another way to look at it:

Since the USA was established, or actually before it was quite established, something like 658,995 soliders have given their lives for it -- and that's only combat deaths.

These guys undoubtedly believed they were fighting for freedom, to ensure that their kids would have a better life, to defend America as "The Beacon on the Hill," the light of liberty for the world.

The joke's on those guys. What they really fought for was so that Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and the Comrade could buy off willing voters and simply stff-arm the rest in a disgusting scramble to grab power and seize control of the life of every US citizen.

It's sickening. It's unworthy of any American. It's the end of the nation, and it doesn't leave the rest of the world with much hope, either.

And there are things that are worse than death -- like living in a socialist-communist dictatorship, the Comrade's vision of Utopia.

The dead are the lucky ones. They don't have to witness the hogs stampeding to the trough, abandoning any shred of intelligence and humanity. They died thinking something good would come of it.

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