Saturday, November 21, 2009

Has everyone lost their minds?

Well. I actually was trying to NOT watch the news on Friday. It's too upsetting. It's just one disaster after another. I ended up taking notes and I'll probably still leave a few things out.

1. Has it occurred to anyone else that an acquittal for Khalid Sheik Mohammed, or whatever his name is -- the brains behind 9/11 -- might not be as bad as it might seem at first glance? After all, if the prosecutors have to drop the charges because, as a WAR CRIMINAL, he wasn't read his rights, he could just walk out of that New York City courtroom a free man.

They ought to just let him walk out of there. Let's see if he makes it to the sidewalk without somebody accidentally beating him into bloody mush.

Better yet, get him a police escort. How many of New York's Finest were incinerated in those towers?

I mean, look on the bright side.

2. The Senate has offered Mary Landrieu, US Senator from Louisiana, a $100 million bribe to vote in favor of socialized medicine.

Didn't I tell you that bill would be packed with pork to get those suckers to vote for it? And Landrieu just may be stupid enough to accept it. Don't know if she's committed herself one way or the other.

The bonehead from Nebraska has apparently caved under pressure. These people have no spines, you know, and quite obviously, no principles or ethics, either.

So, go ahead, Senator Landrieu, vote "yes," collect your $100 million, and five or ten years from now, you will be facing a fate similar to Khalid Sheik Mohammed. She may not even have to wait that long. I was thinking when the provisions of that bill go into effect five years from now (when the Comrade will be a lame duck if he gets re-elected at all), but the taxes come first, don't they? Five or six long years of everyone seeing their paychecks vanish before their very eyes -- and it will be all your fault, Ms. Landrieu. Don't think we'll forget. Not a chance.

Consider that the senate bill is, according to the Wall Street Journal, one of the worst piece-of-crap legislative proposals that's ever been cobbled together, and that it will destroy the nation -- take away all of our distinctly American freedoms, turn us all into genuine slaves of the state, and bankrupt the country.

But you get your little $100 million. Enjoy it, wench.

It would be nice if Bobby Jindal would talk some sense into the senator, but I don't know if that's going to happen. If she's stupid enough to even consider voting yes, she probably has remarkably little capacity for rational thought. It's been pointed out before that you can't teach a pig to sing.

3. Have you noticed? They're already putting the rationing in place with all the changes in the "guidelines" for even self-examination for breast cancer, and for reducing the recommended frequency for PAP smears for cervical cancer.

Right now, you can still get the mammograms and PAP smears -- because you're paying for it yourself. But just wait until we get socialized medicine.

You know, there's a case in the U.K., a fairly recent one, of a young woman who got cervical cancer at age of about 20 years or so.... In the U.K., they won't pay for PAP smears for women under 23 or so. I think she might even be dead by now. The case was famous because she was trying to sue somebody over that -- for the lunkheaded stupidity that ruined her life. Seems to be characteristic of most governments.

4. Then there's the that senate socialized medicine bill just in general. I couldn't even listen to the news about it on TV. Do people really and truly have cement for brains?

"I know," said the Merry Marxists, "Let's double the cost of health care, lock people up if they refuse to pay it, cut care and access to care in half, and tell the people that we're doing them a big favor! We can get the mainstream media to back us up. They're so hot to stand in the warmth of our magnificence, they'll buy anything!"

My God, and a large percentage of the population in this country is so damn stupid they believe it. They honestly and truly think that somehow they're going to get something for nothing. They pretty much deserve the obvious consequences -- but all the rest of us will be paying for it, too. Or go to jail.

I wouldn't mind going to jail at this point. What do they say? "Three hots and a cot." That may be preferable to what's coming in a ruined nation.

5. Harping on this old string -- If you kill the goose that lays the golden eggs, you're pretty much screwed.

So go ahead, anihilate free enterprise and private wealth. Then who's going to pay for all this?


I will have the joy of standing on the curb laughing my ass off: "Told you so!!" Somehow, though, I'd rather keep my freedoms.

It simply blows my mind that the congress is being run by such absolute blockheads. How the hell did these idiots ever get elected?

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