Saturday, November 28, 2009

Home for the holidays

Honestly, I go nuts when I'm not working. I'm so deep in debt, the minute I finish, or at least get up from one project, I actively look for something else to do that may be a moneymaker. Or invent something that might be a moneymaker. No big bestseller thing, just something that sells all the time.

So I worked Thanksgiving and I'll probably work on Christmas. I'm also working on Sunday, which I usually get off. And writing a little informational book in the meanwhile. And waiting to get the proof of another little book I've just finished. Then I've got a couple more little books planned after that. Non-fiction. Not even political.

I'd love to have New Year's Eve off, but only if some channel is running all those old Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies. Especially love when they do "The Continental," and "Dancing Cheek to Cheek."

Had the opportunity to listen to a Johnny Carson show through headphones a little while ago. That band was really fantastic, it really was, though at the time, I didn't have any sound equipment that could capture how good it was. Now I can't stop thinking about Johnny Carson. I really miss him.

To get to my house, you have to drive through a cornfield a little ways. So I'm driving through this cornfield, and the old song, "Love Is Blue," came on the radio. I was still in high school when that came out. Maybe. About that time.

Anyway, I burst into tears.

Tonight very late on a movie channel, I caught the last 10 minutes of a promo film made about the making of "2010," the sequel to "2001." The sequel came out in the mid-1980s. This little movie-about-the-movie had interviews with Roy Scheider -- famous for "Jaws," but my favorite of his is "All That Jazz." They interviewed John Lithgow, when he was just a slip of a lad. And Helen Mirren -- she was so beautiful.

And was struck with this terrible sorrow -- when they made that movie, they thought America would still be here in 2010.

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